Movies Spider-Verse Spider-Man

Spider-Man's Terrible Luck Mystery Finally Got Explanation

Spider-Man's Terrible Luck Mystery Finally Got Explanation
Image credit: Legion-Media

Toby Maguire's Spider-Man laid the path for the next generations of Spider-Men to follow: he was a hero to behold and an extremely unlucky guy at the same time.

Spider-Man is a fairly unique superhero if you consider his abilities.

Not only did he receive enhanced reflexes and web-slinging, but he could also climb walls and, most importantly, predict any sort of danger coming his way before it even happened.

This ability called Spider-Sense is what stands him out from the rest the most — and, according to a new theory, it's also responsible for Peter Parker's terrible luck.

In the Spider-Verse comic series, the nature of the Spider-Sense ability is explained more thoroughly.

It works the way it does because of each Spider-Man's connection to the Web of Life and Destiny which spans across space and time.

Basically, it's a medium between everyone with spider abilities in the entire multiverse.

Spider-Sense can predict dangers and risks in the short-term future because of said connection: it can be compared to the way we can feel a disturbance in one part of a thread by touching a different part of it.

It's a fairly complicated topic to dive deeper into, so we'll leave it for now and save it for another time.

Now, the theory claims that since Spider-Sense is connected to the Web of Life and Destiny, each time it's successfully used to avoid danger, it alters the timeline.

This alternation provides a positive outcome for Spider-Man, and to keep the global balance, the changed timeline also incorporates its opposite — something negative that's going to happen to the same Spider-Man later on.

To make things simpler, it basically goes like this: Spider-Sense balances itself with bad luck. We can see the confirmation of this theory in Maguire's Spiderman 2.

After Peter Parker loses his powers and gives up on being Spider-Man, his quality of life immediately improves: there's no need to balance out Spider-Sense if there is no Spider-Sense.

So the real answer to why Spider-Man has terrible luck is that he's Spider-Man.

This is just how things go for these guys — you can't have everything at the same time.

Source: Reddit