Taraji P. Henson Is Feeling Nostalgic About This Particular Show – And Fans Agree

Posting a blooper reel on Instagram, actress added, “Y’all know I’m always a good time on set”.
The Throwback Thursday left Taraji P. Henson feeling nostalgic: after posting a blooper reel from Person of Interest, actress, who played Detective Jocelyn 'Joss' Carter on the show, couldn't help but send some love to the cast and crew on Instagram.
Fans seemingly agreed on the show being “gripping” and “exciting”, though many admitted stop watching PoI after Henson left the show.
“You were amazing in this show and I cried my eyes out when I *SPOILER* found out about the fate of Carter, and I couldn’t even continue to watch the show”, fans wrote.
Taraji P. Henson got nominated for IGN Award as “Best TV Hero” for playing Carter in 2012, and also won Image Award in 2014 as “Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series”.