TV The Big Bang Theory Netflix

TBBT Characters May Feel Very Relatable, But Their Paychecks Are Not

TBBT Characters May Feel Very Relatable, But Their Paychecks Are Not
Image credit: CBS

You wouldn’t expect these guys to be loaded.

Whether you are a longtime fan of The Big Bang Theory who was lucky enough to join the show when it first started and watch the characters grow before your eyes, or you are a newer fan, you have probably thought about the show's finances at least once. Because the truth is, they're very screwed up.

It is clear to anyone who has watched at least one episode that The Big Bang Theory was never meant to portray the lives of people with lavish lifestyles. In fact, all 5 original characters were meant to be relatable to those on the other side of the screen.

From Penny living from check to check, to Sheldon and Leonard sharing an apartment, to Howard being forced to support his mother. However, there are just too many things that leave viewers confused about the state of the men's finances.

Are TBBT Characters Rich?

Let's get real for a second: Penny aside, this is a show about four scientists living in California. They may all be on the younger side, but they are pretty well-established in their positions.

They have a lot of money to spend. From constantly indulging in takeout food to spending huge amounts of money on comic books, games, conventions, and other forms of entertainment. Considering the fact that they all have something or someone they need to help or take care of, you can imagine the paychecks they all have.

Although it seems obvious that all of the guys have some money to spare, the way they all seem to be broke half the time raises some questions. Is it really a case of bad spending habits, or are they so out of touch with reality that they can't adequately reflect on their own income?

It's up to the viewer to decide.

What About Penny?

Penny is also supposed to be broke, remember? She moves into the much smaller apartment across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard, hoping to gain enough recognition to one day become a full-time actress.

While that dream seems too distant, she spends her days flirting with more fortunate guys who can splurge on their dates. With free dinners half the time and crashing with her new friends when they order out the other half of the time, one can imagine Penny surviving for quite some time.

TBBT Characters May Feel Very Relatable, But Their Paychecks Are Not - image 1

However, there is no way she would be able to rent an apartment like hers on her own, even by the time she gets a real waitressing and bartending gig.

Despite all of these unrealistic moments in the episodes of The Big Bang Theory, fans are still filled with adoration for the show.

It may not be half as relatable as it tries to be, especially to all the young adults struggling to make it from one economic crisis to the next, but it is still extremely funny and comforting. After all, fictional worlds can be the perfect way to escape to a place where you don't really have to worry about money.

If you want to run away from all the issues of your own and enjoy the adventures of 5 nerds trying to fit in the world around them, you can go ahead and stream The Big Bang Theory on Netflix or MAX.