The 20 Ridiculous TV Show Revivals Fans Wish They Could Unsee

Some shows are not art but pure potential money grabs, and the viewers, seeing right through that nostalgia facade as they encounter another revival of a classic, don't deem it worthy of their attention, making them flop.
Here we are being grumpy about 10 sequels that no one needed — and we hope that you agree with us.
When you make a show using the previous successful work as a basis you need to either keep it absolutely the same or add some new idea that wouldn't look out of place and wouldn't destroy the vibe of the original.
Instead, these continuations subtracted very important things from the originals, be it the cast, the main idea, or just their wish to correlate better with the current climate in media, which sometimes completely destroyed the characterization of our beloved leads.
Some things are better left untouched as they become cult classics over time and cement their place in the general pop culture.
Let them influence new works with original plots that derive things from them, but just lazily build something on top of their legacy without adding anything new and only intending to make some nostalgia-driven quick buck: it just won't work.