The Bear's UK Sister Show With 100% on RT Allegedly Shelved by BBC Despite High Ratings

The series has not been officially canceled, but the prospects for a second season seem slim.
Boiling Point has come a long way. It was originally a short film that grew into a feature movie. A few years later, the creator of the original project, Philip Barantini, brought hell's kitchen to the small screen with a four-part spin-off featuring the same cast.
The first season of Boiling Point, released in 2023, won over critics and viewers – the project currently has 100% and 94%, respectively, on Rotten Tomatoes.
Boiling Point Is Reportedly Shelved by BBC
We can talk about the merits of Boiling Point for a long time, but what's the point if the BBC apparently has no plans to make a second season of the show?
According to The Sun's source, viewers will not be seeing a new chapter of Boiling Point anytime soon:
“Boiling Point is on the shelf, so to speak, but if the right story or idea comes along then there's every chance it could be back on screens one day.”
While Boiling Point has not been officially canceled, the comment does not inspire hope that the show will be renewed. It seems that this is the new main disease of modern television – no project is safe, even with high scores and ratings.
What Is The Boiling Point About?
After Andy's heart attack, Carly became the chef, in a different restaurant, but with the same team. Every night in the kitchen is unpredictable and full of surprises. The dishwasher breaks, Carly's elderly mother accidentally hits the panic button, or one of the cooks doesn't show up for a shift.
Andy, who has lost his reputation, sits at home, tries to improve his relationship with his school-age son, and goes to AA meetings.
Each Episode Focused On One Member of the Restaurant Team, and There Are Still Stories to Tell
The main difference from the movie is that in the series, the characters do not exist only within the walls of the kitchen and dining room. They have lives outside of work.
In fact, each episode is an introduction to a different character. The first episode focuses on Carly, who is looking for a balance between work and home.
The second one tells the story of pastry chef Emily – she tries to help people close to her. The third hour tells about the life of dishwashers Jake and Holly, who decided to earn money in a not very legal way due to the reduction of work shifts.
The fourth episode is about waitress Robyn, who still dreams of becoming an actress.
Since nothing significant was shown about Camille, Dean, Freeman and newcomer Bolton, the series seemed to have prospects for at least one more season.