The Top 9 Twilight Moments That Make No Sense... Like, At All

As a beloved and popular supernatural romance series, Twilight has captivated readers and moviegoers around the world.
However, no story is perfect, and the Twilight saga has its share of plot holes and inconsistencies that have been overlooked by many fans.
From discrepancies in the vampires' powers to confusing character motivations, these plot holes and inconsistencies are sure to make you think twice about some of your favorite moments in the series.
1. Why do vampires sparkle in the sun?
When Edward Cullen reveals his vampire identity to Bella, he unbuttons his shirt and steps out into the sunlight. His skin begins to glisten like diamonds, and the viewers realize he is a man brilliant in every respect.
Interestingly, Meyer only mentions this sparkle when she needs it. The rest of the time, the vampire family walks around in the daytime as much as they like, violating the canons of classical vampire prose.
Also, in the film, it's unclear why Edward needs to wear sunglasses in the scene where he and Bella first arrive at school together as a couple.
2. How exactly does Edward save Bella?
At the end of the first part of Twilight, Bella is hunted by the vampire antagonist James. His bite almost turns the girl into a vampire, but Edward sucks up the venom and saves her. Now, here's the question: if another vampire's bite could transform Bella, why doesn't Edward infect her when he bites her to drain James' venom? Do they use different blood-sucking techniques? Are some vampires not venomous?
3. Jasper can manipulate Bella's emotions
Bella's superpower is that no vampire is able to use their powers on her. Edward and Aro can't read her mind and evil Jane can't make her feel pain: Bella's mind is closed to them. But for some reason, Jasper can still use his powers to soothe her. T
his question had plagued fans so badly, Stephanie Meyer was forced to answer it on her website. It turns out that other vampires' powers affect the mind, while Jasper uses science and controls emotions by altering a person's heart rate.
Seriously, that sounds like a weak excuse for an obvious plot hole.
4. How could Bella kiss Edward?
Both the books and the movies remind us more than once that vampires are as hard as marble to the touch. Imagine kissing a stone statue: that might feel interesting at first, and then you'd rub your lips sore. Besides, vampires are also very cold — then why doesn't Bella get a chill from her never-ending embrace with ice-cold Edward?
5. How is Jasper on a "vegetarian diet''?
When Bella accidentally cuts her finger with a greeting card at the beginning of New Moon, Jasper freaks out at the sight and smell of blood. When they get introduced in the first part, he also acts weird, and the Cullens explain that this is because he has only recently gone "vegetarian." This raises two questions. First, how is he allowed to go to school where fights and nosebleeds are common? And second, isn't he older than Edward? We know he was a major in the Confederate Army, which means he's at least 150 years old, while Edward is only 100. In all those years, hasn't he learned to control his thirst? Or do you have to take the Cullens' special training for that?
6. Why are vampires so attracted to Bella?
Obviously, because Bella is the protagonist and the story revolves around her — but is this the only reason? We're told from the beginning that Bella's scent makes all vampires go crazy. In the film, when they first have a biology class together, Edward looks like he's about to throw up (apparently, that is Robert Pattinson 's idea of portraying acute desire). One of the leaders of the Volturi clan also gives Bella a compliment on her smell. She makes Jasper and James lose their heads for a while.
But what is so special about Bella? Her innocence? Her friendliness? That's something Meyer and the filmmakers never explained to us.
7. Why does Edward need Volturi to kill him?
When Edward thinks Bella has killed herself, he decides he no longer has any reason to live. As if in an attempt to imitate Romeo and Juliet, he goes to Italy to expose himself as a vampire and seek punishment from the Volturi. But why make things so complicated? Why can't Edward meet his end at the hands of werewolves or Victoria or another foe?
For some reason, Meyer and the screenwriters chose to do it the hard way and have Alice foresee Edward's plans in her visions and rush to Italy to save him.
8. What's the deal with werewolves' clothes?
If you have trouble distinguishing between vampires and werewolves in the movies, remember one thing: the latter always wear shorts. Even if a werewolf character is shown in shreds after having transformed into a wolf, they'll be sure to wear new denim shorts in the next scene. Do the Quileutes have special powers to hide clothes in the woods?
The book, however, solves this problem: it says that werewolves can sometimes anticipate the transformation and so have time to undress. But what happens if they don't?
The only possible answer is that they carry clothes in their mouths. Imagine giant wolves carrying perfectly folded shorts in their jaws — film history has never seen a battle so epic!
9. The world's shortest training
The story in Eclipse centers on the main characters' confrontation with Victoria. To avenge James' death in the first part, she gathers an army of newly converted vampires who are more violent and powerful than the older ones. In the movie, Jasper uses his fighting skills to prepare his family and werewolves for some serious combat. The problem is that this "boot camp" only lasts a few hours.