The Walking Dead: 5 Rick Grimes' Most Savage Moments, Ranked

There is no way you would want to mess with this guy.
The Walking Dead 's original protagonist, Rick Grimes, is a character who went through some serious growth. But you know what version of Rick fans couldn't get enough of? The one who was an absolute savage.
Let's take a moment to remember those moments when we were left stunned by Rick's brutality.
5. Rick vs. Pete
In the 15th episode of season 5, Pete confronts Rick as he gets suspicious that there is something going on between Rick and Jessie, Pete's wife.
Even though Rick didn't actually start the fight, he nearly beats the living daylights out of Pete.
And when everyone from Alexandria rushed over, Rick whips out his gun and goes on this insane rant, but Michonne steps in and handles the situation.
4. Rick vs. walkers in Alexandria
In the mid-season premiere of season 6, Carl gets shot in the eye while Alexandria is overrun by a herd of walkers.
But when Rick gets Carl to a safe place, he absolutely loses his mind and goes all Rambo mode, solo, and starts whacking those walkers left and right with his hatchet. It was totally badass.
3. Sh*t happens
In season 3, when Rick's group decides to settle down in prison, which seemed like a safe place, it turns out that they are not alone there as they stumble upon a group of survived prisoners.
Thomas, one of the prisoners, tried to kill Rick, and it was a big mistake. After an intense face-off, Rick straight-up plunges his machete right into Tomas' skull, ending him right then and there.
2. Machete with a red handle
In season 5, when Rick and his group were captured in Terminus, Rick promised Gareth that he would kill him with a machete with a red handle.
Later on in the season, he actually goes through with it. Rick delivers the most brutal, no-holds-barred execution you can imagine.
1. The throat bite
This one is undoubtedly Rick's most savage moment.
In the finale of season 4, Rick, Michonne and Carl are ambushed by the Claimers.
One of them tries to do something unspeakable to Carl while their leader, Joe, has Rick pinned down. Rick, in a moment of pure desperation, straight-up bites Joe's throat like a beast. If that's not savage, we don't know what is.