The Walking Dead's Fan-Favorite Arc Features Rick's Team's Worst Blunder

The Walking Dead's Fan-Favorite Arc Features Rick's Team's Worst Blunder
Image credit: AMC

A look back at the prison arc left fans arguing years later.


  • Fans consider seasons 3 and 4 of The Walking Dead as some of the show's best.
  • Some fans, however, find fault in how Rick and the group handled fortifying the prison.
  • The lack of proper fortifications for plot convenience are cited as issues in the handling of the prison setting.

The Walking Dead has seen many epic arcs throughout its 11-season run. One of the fan-favorite arcs of the show is definitely the Prison arc from seasons 3 and 4.

However, it wasn’t flawless. Fans of the show brought up on Reddit one particular moment of this arc. It seems that some viewers were left facepalming over how Rick and the crew handled their fortress.

Why The Walking Dead Was Best During Seasons 3 and 4

The Walking Dead's Fan-Favorite Arc Features Rick's Team's Worst Blunder - image 1

Season 3 introduces us to the prison and Woodbury, setting the stage for some of the most memorable conflicts in the series. The Governor, portrayed brilliantly by David Morrissey, is still remembered as one of the best antagonists of the show. For some, even the best.

Seasons 3 and 4 struck a perfect balance between action-packed sequences and character-driven drama, — something the show was struggling with in last seasons.

Rick and His Group Barely Did Anything to Make Their New Home Safe

The Walking Dead's Fan-Favorite Arc Features Rick's Team's Worst Blunder - image 2

In season 3, our survivors find the prison. It's like hitting the jackpot in the zombie apocalypse. But, and it's a big but, the way they fortified it... or should we say, didn't fortify it, is kind of baffling, according to some viewers.

One Redditor pointed out that the fences, which were the first line of defense, should've actually been the last. Think about it — Rick saw how a herd took down the farm. You'd think he'd be all over making the prison a fortress. But nope, there he is, farming away, without a care in the world.

And let's not even start on the whole "let's just clear the walkers when we feel like it" approach. It's like they had all the time and resources but just... didn't bother? It looks like a simple plot convenience, which was necessary to give us all the thrilling plotlines we got.

Source: Reddit

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