There Was Just One Deleted Scene in Super-Sized Stranger Things Season 4

There Was Just One Deleted Scene in Super-Sized Stranger Things Season 4
Image credit: Netflix

When Stranger Things Season 4 landed on our screens in two parts in the summer of 2022, fans were eager to see what the new set of episodes had in store – and they weren't disappointed.

In total, there were nine episodes ranging in length from 1 hour 3 minutes to a whopping 2 hours 30 minutes for the season finale. You'd expect there to be a lot of outtakes with that, right? Wrong!

Stranger Things deleted scenes aren't a thing

With so many runtime minutes, you'd think that the Duffer brothers would have lots of footage left over that didn't make the cut. But fans who love extended versions, deleted scenes and outtakes will be disappointed because there's hardly any of this stuff from Stranger Things.

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In July 2022, Collider interviewed Ross and Matt Duffer and asked them about the potential of an ultimate box set showing deleted scenes. This is what the Duffer brothers had to say.

There are none (well, not really)

When asked about unseen footage, the Duffers were very clear: as a rule, they don't delete scenes. In fact, one of the only scenes ever deleted was a boring 20-second car scene that added nothing to the plot.

Ross Duffer went on to say how the scenes always have a reason and so if something like pacing is affected by a scene, they'll try to tighten it and trim it to keep it in. Matt went on to add how there are deleted lines from scenes but not entire scenes themselves.

"Mega" episodes

There's no denying that the finale of Season 4 is more like a blockbuster movie in length. When interviewed by Variety, the Duffer brothers commented on how they couldn't break up the episode after building it up and so they created "a mega episode" adding that fans could pause it if they wanted to.

But things have been changed and cut post-release

Despite the success of Stranger Things, not all is perfect. For example, Will's birthday was established as March 22 early on in the show. However, during Season 4, March 22 comes along and no one says anything to him. It's like it's not his birthday at all. As a result of keen fans noticing this mistake, the Duffer brothers have admitted that they were considering something they referred to as "George Lucas-ing" the scene. In other words, changing it post-release. Apparently "May" will fit in Winona's mouth where March currently is.

Surprisingly, they've also admitted to changing other things in the show that people don't know about – though they wouldn't say what!

Ultimately, we doubt many fans are that keen on seeing the single 20-second deleted car scene from Season 4. And, though this does mean we're unlikely to ever see extended versions with previously unseen footage of Stranger Things, Netflix has confirmed there will be a spin-off series at a later date. Few details have been released, the Duffer brothers have said it will be "1,000% different" from Stranger Things. We'll have to wait and see!

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