TV How I Met Your Mother

These Alternative HIMYM Endings By ChatGPT Become Dark Really Fast

These Alternative HIMYM Endings By ChatGPT Become Dark Really Fast
Image credit: Legion-Media

Everyone has already discussed the disappointment of How I Met Your Mother's canon ending.

The writers even provided the audience with the so-called official alternative ending, but some fans still want to create their own — or even use the power of AI to do it for them!

Reddit user greyile recently decided to employ none other than the famous ChatGPT AI to write three new endings to How I Met Your Mother: perfect, realistic, and curveball. It started off sweet but became much grimmer by the end!

Perfect ending

ChatGPT's perfect ending largely resembles the official alternative ending: Tracy doesn't die, so they live happily ever after with Ted and their kids, and the audience gets to know Tracy better; Robin successfully pursues her career and personal happiness; Barney becomes a loving father and husband; and for Lily and Marshall, pretty much nothing changes.

In the last scene, we see Ted and Tracy playing with their children while the rest of the gang watches them with pride and joy, and the viewers are "left with a sense of hope and optimism for the future".

Realistic ending

The realistic ending goes harder on the characters.

Ted and Tracy remain together, but they go through many hardships and arguments because of having to live in different cities for a while, financial issues, and different takes on starting a family.

Barney and Robin struggle even more since the former remains a womanizer and the latter is rarely present due to her job, and they eventually divorce.

Still, Marshall and Lily get pretty much the same ending.

The last scene shows us the gang sitting together at McLarren's Pub, Tracy included, reflecting on the ups and downs in their story over the years.

The viewers get the idea that "life is full of twists and turns, but it's the journey and the people you share it with that matter most".

Curveball ending

The curveball ending starts off dark: Ted is dying. The entire story is nothing but his coma dream as his mind struggles to resurface back to life, and all the situations are produced by his imagination.

As his body finally gives up to the injuries, the last thing we see is him passing away with Tracy and their kids by his side.

In the end, there's a montage of the scene from his dream. The main idea for the viewers to take from this ending is that "life is fleeting and that memories are all we have left".