TV Grey's Anatomy

This Grey's Anatomy Character Is Hated For No Reason At All, And It's Time To Stop

This Grey's Anatomy Character Is Hated For No Reason At All, And It's Time To Stop
Image credit: ABC

There are far worse things to hate about this show.

Throughout the 19 seasons of Grey's Anatomy, there have always been some characters more loved than others.

In a show where there are no clear heroes and villains, where everyone stays in the same gray area of morality, it's easy to find a favorite and not so easy to find a target to hate.

However, some characters were just so unlucky that they failed to impress viewers from the start. Jo Wilson is an example of such a character who suffered a lot for no particular reason.

While some fans say that Jo's character would be fine if it weren't for the mediocre acting of the actress who portrays her, Camilla Luddington, others disagree.

Of course, Luddington's posh accent was quite a problem to overcome, considering the fact that she was playing not only an American but an American who grew up on the streets.

But it's the story itself that seemed to annoy the audience more.

This Grey's Anatomy Character Is Hated For No Reason At All, And It's Time To Stop - image 1

Jo was forced to live in a car as a teenager, which shaped her character in a not-so-pretty way. There is nothing wrong with tackling this subject, especially since it is so prevalent in the country and so many teens have to deal with it.

It just felt like fans were forced to hear about it way more than was necessary to establish the character.

At some point, many viewers felt that whenever Jo Wilson was on screen, she was whining about her troubled past. This turned out to be untrue.

As some fans on Reddit counted, between her first appearance in season 9 and season 15, the last available on streaming, her past was mentioned only 16 times, or about two times per season.

Was it really so much that it became a reason to hate the character?

If anything, it just shows the incompetence of the writing for Jo Wilson's character, as the writers tried to push the story of her troubled teenage years way too far.

Fortunately, viewers seem to be more satisfied with Jo's storyline in the current season, so there is hope that Season 20 will be even better for her.

Tune in to ABC on Thursdays to see what the Grey's Anatomy season 19 finale has in store.

Source: Reddit