This Gut-Wrenching Netflix Top Movie With 97% on RT Is the Best Drama You've Seen in Years

It's one of Netflix's best releases ever.
On September 6, the movie His Three Daughters was released on Netflix and has been at the top of the platform for several weeks with a nearly perfect 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
Three daughters return to their father's house to spend their last days with him. The plot immediately brings to mind Hanging Up with Meg Ryan, Diane Keaton and Lisa Kudrow, but from the very first frames it becomes clear that this is a completely different movie – more intimate, shrouded in a sad haze, requiring you to prepare for the inevitable collision with a tragic ending.
His Three Daughters' Characters Are Rich and Vivid
Katie (Carrie Coon) is the older sister in every sense of the word. She hangs up the phone in search of a doctor to sign a do-not-resuscitate order, accuses others of inaction, and every few hours thinks about dropping everything and leaving.
The younger Christina (Elizabeth Olsen ) often cries, but not always for her father – she thinks of her husband and daughter, who are forced to "somehow cope" in her absence. To calm down, Christina does yoga, uses breathing techniques and sings.
Rachel (Natasha Lyonne) is the sister who never left. When Katie and Christina went their separate ways to build careers and families of their own, Rachel stayed behind and became a support for her aging father. Her job is to buy apples for him, place sports bets, and smoke in the company of Benjy, the only person close to her.
The three characters created by director Azazel Jacobs quickly acquire personalities and history, transforming into voluminous and in their own way charming women experiencing a whole range of emotions.
Immediately after the film's premiere in Toronto, critics unanimously hailed the performances of Natasha Lyonne, Elizabeth Olsen, and Carrie Coon as the best of their careers – and it's hard to argue.
The Plot Grabs You from The First Minutes and Doesn't Let Go Until the End
The characters almost never leave the main set, a beautiful and spacious apartment. Jacobs' movie would probably look great as a theatrical performance – it even opens with a static monologue in which Katie explains to Rachel how they will live now.
The introduction sets the tone for the movie, Carrie Coon's characters' speech grabs your attention and makes you think that the movie has an unusually strong script. The next hour and a half confirms the suspicion – there is not a single artificial line to be heard, you really believe everything the women say.
His Three Daughters Is a Film about Dying and Living
His Three Daughters is a movie about death. Not only about saying goodbye to a father, but also about saying goodbye to one's own past – after the loss of loved ones, we will never be the same.
After recording the time of death, the sisters look for a long time at the old leather chair that once served their father faithfully. In it, Dad watched the game, opened a cold beer, dropped crumbs from a sandwich, peeled apples, and accidentally fell asleep after a busy day. Katie, Rachel, and Christina take turns sitting in the chair, trying to get closer to the beloved one last time before finally finding the strength to let go.