This Iconic British Teenage Show From 2007 Would Likely Be Canceled if Released Today

Even when it premiered back then it was a revolutionary show, but I can't imagine how all those drunken shenanigans would fly today.
When Skins premiered in 2007, it was clear that nothing like it had ever been created - yes, teen dramas are nothing new to viewers, but never before (and never since) has the life of teenagers been portrayed as raw as in Skins UK.
After its premiere, the show quickly became a cultural phenomenon. Its fearless exploration of taboo subjects, from mental health and addiction to sex and drug abuse, made it both daring and controversial.
For example, in its first two seasons, Skins followed a group of teenagers in Bristol, with each episode focusing on a different character and showing what was the hardest thing they were going through at the time.
For example, Cassie suffered from an eating disorder and tried to hide it. And Sid and Tony had a lot of dark things going on for them and with them.
The thing is, the show is just too honest about the chaos and confusion and exhilaration of adolescence, and that's something that worked before, but it doesn't seem to work now. The topics covered were often shocking, including unprotected sex and drug use. And it was this that earned the show a reputation for being bold and unapologetic.
If Skins was released today, it's highly likely that it would face significant pushback and might even be canceled due to the shifting landscape of television and public perception. Some characters, like Tony or Cook, would never be accepted today because they would be seen as harmful and threatening to society now.
Another thing is that teenage lives are also changing, and what was shown in Skins before as a relatable stuff, may now be outdated.
“Social interaction has changed with teenagers in the last decade and that's not even me trying to repeat a boomer cliché. A prime example of the difference between teenage life then and now for example is that at a house party back then you could do the most outrageous thing possible while drunk and everyone would forget the week after, today you f*ck up then that goes on your record forever,” Redditor BlurDynamic said.
While some people say the US equivalent of Skins is Euphoria, there are many differences in approach, and frankly Euphoria's characters don't seem as real.
You can stream Skins on Hulu.