This Random Person Was the First to Know Whether Jon Snow Lives on GoT

This Random Person Was the First to Know Whether Jon Snow Lives on GoT
Image credit: Legion-Media

There was a time when we were all worried about Jon Snow's future on Game of Thrones, except for one person in the whole of Britain – all thanks to Kit Harington's poor driving skills.

In 2016, shortly after season 6 rolled out, actor Kit Harington went on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon to talk about his surprising comeback.

Season 5 ended with Jon Snow being assassinated by Thorne and his men, leaving us all in tears.

In season 6, our fave Lord Commander was resurrected and lived happily ever after (in the sense that only Game of Thrones can provide, you know, until his entire character arc was thrown down the drain in the series finale).

Only select people on the production team and Kit Harington knew about what was coming, and the writers forbade him from telling anyone outside the inner circle.

Naturally, the actor went and blabbed about it to his parents and girlfriend – and didn't stop there.

Kit recalled how he once drove over the speed limit and was pulled over by a policeman.

Harington was very sorry for his actions, and the guy apparently took pity on him, offering him a choice: he could either follow him back to the police station or tell him whether Jon lived in the next series.

Have you guessed which option the actor chose yet?

Kit laughed, but the police officer was very serious. His response was in the best Game of Thrones dramatic fashion – he said that whether he would take Harington to the police station depended entirely on his answer.

The actor had no choice but to admit that he would be coming back next season.

Knowing that, the policeman let Kit go with the words, "On your way, Lord Commander. Keep the speed down this far south of the wall." Legendary farewell, don't you think?

Fans joke that if the police officer had written him a ticket, it would have said something like "The Lannisters send their regards."

Sounds pretty witty, definitely worthy of this hardcore fan of a policeman!

On second thought, if Harington had told the officer what would happen in the series finale, he probably would have arrested him on sight… Sorry, we are still not over it.