Top 10 Most Recycled Movie Cliches In History

You have definitely seen these cliches thousands of times in movies.
Let's take a look at some of the most popular movie cliches and plot devices that are ridiculous, yet many movies wouldn't be so thrilling without them.
10. No looting
Have you paid attention to how people in movies are always running past weapons and ammo when they're in danger?
They are like, "Nah, I'll just take this one gun with one clip and hope for the best."
9. Child prodigy
Don't you just love it when movies make kids out to be super-smart geniuses who can do anything and everything from hacking a computer to building a rocket?
8. Holding a gun too close
You know those scenes in movies where the bad guy shoves a gun right in the hero's face, only to have it magically disarmed after?
Yeah, that's not exactly how it works in real life.
7. Evil plan revealed
The classic villain trope where they explain their entire evil plan to the captured hero without making sure that a hero won't escape.
You can't just spill all your secrets and walk away like it's no big deal.
6. Bad fugitive
Have you ever noticed how people on the run in most movies never seem to do anything to change their appearance? Like, seriously, they're just walking around looking exactly the same as they did before they went on the lam.
5. Let's split up
The classic horror genre's move where the big group decides to split up into smaller groups for no apparent reason other than to make it easier for the killer to pick them off one by one.
4. Convenient TV
Characters always seem to turn on the TV at just the right moment to catch the news report or story that's related to them. Very convenient.
3.Harmless explosions
Oh man, those explosions in movies where people just get pushed out of the way. If you ever find yourself in an explosion, don't count on getting pushed out of harm's way.
You're more likely to end up as a pile of rubble.
2. Almost bulletproof
The classic movie cliche of a character taking a bullet (usually in the arm or shoulder) and just shrugging it off like it's nothing. Who needs medical attention when you're on a mission to save the world, right?
1. Not finishing off
You surely remember some movies where the kidnapped/captive person finally gets the upper hand on their captor with a weapon, but then only hits them once and runs away like a scared little bunny.