Top 6 MCU Cameos That Aren't Stan Lee (Yes, There Are Others)

The sudden appearance of these people on the screen of the Marvel movie made the whole cinema holler.
You know that you should've expected Stan Lee's visage somewhere, but these cameos were quite surprising — pleasantly so.
Replicating the marketing success of the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is hard.
Back in these days the internet became much more widely available, and the marketing team heavily relied on the social media buzz, on the spoilers that people soiled the online spaces with or, vice versa, on the little secrets that only those who were able to attend the premiere shared with each other and relayed to the general audience in cryptic messages that others were dying to decipher.
That made the audience even more eager, even more hyped, it made people feel united by one huge pop culture craze, and these cameos that added nearly nothing to the plot were helping build that hype.
They are one of the pillars of that extremely clever marketing strategy that no one has executed so perfectly before. They ranged from comedic to wholesome, from mocking to paying homage. Some didn't age well, but the memories of the hype are still alive.