TV Virgin River Netflix

Virgin River’s Most Annoying Character Ruined Season 4 For Fans

Virgin River’s Most Annoying Character Ruined Season 4 For Fans
Image credit: Netflix

Why all the noise?


  • Virgin River is an ensemble cast show, so it's possible for fans to pick different characters to hate.
  • In season 4, the most hated character was Hope.
  • Fans claim that all her whining was unbearable.

Virgin River fans are now agonizingly waiting for the new sixth season to come out, but since it's not going to happen anytime soon, it's time to binge the series from the beginning, or maybe give some favorite storylines another try.

With so many intriguing stories and captivating mysteries over 5 seasons, the show has easily become one of Netflix 's most popular series by far. The first season of the series was released in 2019, and since then, we've been trapped in the world of Virgin River with all of the characters.

Well, while the show has a lot of characters with their own agendas, it's only natural that viewers will like some of them more and will definitely find someone to hate.

Now the last part is interesting, because likability usually changes throughout the show, but this character just did the impossible.

It seems that the only character who got all the hate from the audience, except for the always pregnant Charmaine, was Hope McCrea. As the viewers say, her character always seemed kind of annoying because of all the gossip she kept dragging the town into and how obnoxious she was.

Virgin River’s Most Annoying Character Ruined Season 4 For Fans - image 2

But while she was acting like a jerk from the start of the show, it was in season 4 that she became totally unbearable. And that’s because the writers gifted her with another annoying personality trait and made her whiny as well.

“She’s always been b**chy. Now they’ve added whiny too. She’s not a likable character. How does she have any friends? I feel like if she were real nobody would like her,” Redditor tiredoldmama said.

Fans of the show even think that the writers might be messing with them by creating such a horrible character. Because a person that is on that level of being obnoxious and self-absorbed should definitely be a joke, even in a show as far from realistic as Virgin River.

Well, if you don't remember hating Hope so much, or if you've never seen the show and want to experience it, check out seasons 1-5 of Virgin River on Netflix.