We Didn't Have Enough of These 7 Iconic Actor Duos And Their Chemistry

Take notes, casting directors, that's who people really want to see.
It's not that hard to remember great romantic on-screen chemistry, as there are a lot of movies that capture character's relationships so perfectly, you forget they're not real.
For some reason, finding the same chemistry in more platonic situations is much harder, as friendship or family bonds do not usually leave viewers so impressed.
However, when you find two actors who can capture such relationships perfectly, you should never let go of them.
Here are seven iconic actor duos that need to perform together again at any cost, if there's still a chance.
Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling
Although The Nice Guys wasn't just as successful as many hoped it would be, everyone was left impressed by Russell and Ryan's perfect work together.
It would be great to see them act together just to hear how these two bounce off each other's jokes at the promotional interviews.
George Clooney and Brad Pitt
These two actors are each a huge deal by themselves, but working together they seem to make the movie even more powerful.
Judging by the Ocean's series, their dynamic might be the key to success for any project.
Daniel Craig and Judy Dench
Starring together in Casino Royale and the Skyfall movies from the famous James Bond film series, these two actors found a mesmerizing spark and were a total joy to watch.
It's a shame Judy Dench did not star in Glass Onion – that would be a whole different dynamic to explore.
Paul Newman and Robert Redford
These two actors are often referred to as The Actor Duo, even many years after two of the films they starred in together premiered.
Their chemistry was so on point, that one time Redford's then-wife joked that Newman was the one person her husband could ever leave her for.
Mel Gibson and Danny Glover
Thankfully, the viewers had the pleasure to see these two actors perform in four Lethal Weapon movies, with the fifth one in the making.
Despite some tension that was there between the two in the beginning, now they both have been friends for more than 35 years.
Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon
After Thelma & Louise's success back in 1991, fans are eating up every interaction between the two co-stars, very much appreciating the friendship they have.
Many believe that this iconic female duo deserves another movie together.
Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen ( Bonus: Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy)
You have to admit, the X-Men comic has some sort of magic to it.
How else could you explain the chemistry between both actor duos portraying the characters of Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto?
It would be a shame to mention ones without the others.