Where Does House of the Dragon Take Place?

Where Does House of the Dragon Take Place?
Image credit: HBO

10 most iconic and important locations for the Game of Thrones prequel, explained.

10. Runestone

House Royce’s seat of power, Runestone is located in the Vale and is the home castle of Daemon Targaryen’s first wife Rhea. Daemon famously threatened her relatives he’d take Runestone since Rhea didn’t give him an heir before her death, so House Royce found itself in a pickle regarding their familial estate.

9. Storm’s End

Before Robert’s Rebellion, House Baratheon reigned over its lands exclusively from Storm’s End. The lords of the Stormlands could prove powerful allies for anyone, so in House of the Dragon, we’ve already seen Rhaenyra, Lucerys, and Aemond visit Storm’s End in their attempts to make alliances with the Baratheons.

8. Kingswood

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Located in the Crownlands, Kingswood might just be the least sophisticated place of the bunch. It’s the King’s hunting forest, plain and simple, and it doesn’t hold any major plot relevance… In House of the Dragon, that is. In Season 1, Viserys took his court for the royal hunt there, tracking down the white hart with his retinue.

7. The Stepstones

An immensely economically important location, the Stepstones never produced anything of their own — but these islands’ residents, namely pirates and sellswords, are eager to rob any merchant ships passing by. In Season 1, Daemon Targaryen personally crushed one of their leaders and conquered the Stepstones for the King.

6. Pentos

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One of Essos’ greatest Free Cities, Pentos is the residence of countless merchant lords and a power to be reckoned with. In House of the Dragon, Daemon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon travel to Pentos with their children to ensure an alliance against the Triarchy, and the local Prince offers them permanent residence in exchange.

5. Old Valyria

It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of Old Valyria to House Targaryen: the place was their home in the past, and the Targaryens owe their dragons and customs to their Valyrian heritage. In the show, King Viserys was obsessed with Old Valyria, creating its model and telling the tales of the Old Empire’s days.

4. Harrenhal

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The notorious cursed castle, Harrenhal used to be a unique strongpoint in the Riverlands and still is if you ignore its dark legacy. During its latest appearance on House of the Dragon, Harrenhal was claimed for the Blacks by Daemon Targaryen, who later received a prophecy from a mysterious woman that he’d die in the castle.

3. Driftmark

Often called the Seat of the Sea, Driftmark serves as the residence of House Velaryon. It’s an island near Dragonstone where House Targaryen’s heir apparent resides, and so far, it hasn’t played a significant role in the series. Seeing how crucial it is for the second surviving Valyrian House, however, it’s bound to come into play.

2. Dragonstone

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The second most important location for House Targaryen is the island and castle of Dragonstone. It used to be the dragonriders’ residence after their escape from the Doom of Valyria back in the day, but after Aegon’s Conquest, their royalty moved to King’s Landing. Currently, Dragonstone is used as the residence of heir apparent.

1. King’s Landing

The great capital of the Seven Kingdoms was named after its historical significance: there, Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives first stepped onto the Westerosi mainland. After the city was built, King’s Landing became the seat of power for House Targaryen, hosting their stronghold the Red Keep and the Iron Throne.

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