TV Neil Gaiman Good Omens

Which Good Omens Character Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Which Good Omens Character Are You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign?
Image credit: Amazon Studios / BBC Studios

Keep an eye out for your ineffable star buddy.

Do you have a favorite Good Omens character? We bet there’s a reason for that – maybe they are your zodiac pal!

Let’s find out, shall we?

Shax (Aries)

Shax is an ambitious demon, eager to prove herself and reach new career heights in Hell. Isn’t that the most Aries thing ever? Shax may not be a born leader, but she has the charisma and confidence of one.

Anathema Device (Taurus)

The strong-willed witch was born on April 30 for a reason – this date is known as Walpurgis Night or the Night of the Witches (such a nice Easter egg from Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett!). Anathema is observant and very intelligent, and that’s the Taurus in her.

Aziraphale (Gemini)

The people’s favorite angel is a textbook Gemini. Aziraphale is curious and agile, especially when it comes to his ineffable husband, but his overthinking could be the death of his nervous system. He is a sweetheart, but he seriously needs to chill.

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Maggie (Cancer)

The owner of the record store is one of the kindest souls on the show. Maggie is very in touch with her emotions, and she just wants to take care of the people she likes (Nina, for instance) like any Cancer would.

Gabriel (Leo)

Season 1 Gabriel is definitely giving off a total Leo vibe – he likes to be the center of attention, and he is a bit of a drama queen. In season 2, his Leo nature comes into its own even more as the viewers get a glimpse of Gabriel’s big softie heart.

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God (Virgo)

God is quite a prominent character on the show, and her “Great Plan” has Virgo’s compulsiveness written all over it. She doesn’t always make the most understandable of decisions, but she sure is precise with her instructions.

The Earth (Libra)

That’s canon, we don’t make the rules. The Earth is God’s most well-balanced creation, and what is more Libra than that? Our planet has everything that every creature on it needs to live in peace and thrive.

Crowley (Scorpio)

It’s Scorpios’ time to shine! Crowley is determined to get his way (and be left alone by some annoying people), and his secretive nature is quite evident. Plus, if it weren’t for Crowley’s trademark Scorpio honesty, we would never have gotten that hell of a finale in season 2!

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Beelzebub (Sagittarius)

Beelzebub has proven to be quite the wise and gifted leader of the forces of Hell! The demon has used some risky yet well-thought-out strategies to rule the land, and that’s the Sagittarius showing.

Michael (Capricorn)

This archangel prefers to stick to the olden, prescribed way of doing things as Michael is a bit of a traditionalist (after all, most Capricorns are). Keeping Heaven in order and the angels organized is a task Michael takes seriously.

Nina (Aquarius)

Nina is a tough businesswoman who believes in a self-reliant approach to her work and life in general. She may be rough around the edges, but once you get to know her, she will open up and show her emotional side.

Newton Pulsifer (Pisces)

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The computer-engineer-turned-witchfinder is sensitive and compassionate, no matter what misfortunes he encounters in life. He knows that there is always a silver lining and that sometimes it just takes a little while to reveal itself.

Guess the Antichrist’s star sign! No, we are not pointing any fingers.

Do you like your sign buddy?