Movie news - Page 814

Dean Black
April 17, 2023 7:15 am
5 Disturbing Proofs That Harry Potter Had a Death Wish
Death (or rather dealing with it) is one of the key issues raised throughout the entire series, both in books and movies… But have you ever realized that Harry Potter had a literal death wish?
Internet Crush of the Day

Mathias Noris
April 17, 2023 6:45 am
Lord of the Rings Single-Handedly Proves It Needs No Trashy Remake
In just one day, it showed who the true king of the box office is.

Virginia Singh
April 17, 2023 6:00 am
Third-Wheel Hunger Games Character We All Decided to Loathe Deserves Justice
They're all a bunch of deeply traumatized kids after all.

Mathias Noris
April 16, 2023 5:00 pm
5 Horrible Movie Resurrections That Were Dead on Arrival
Sometimes when a character is killed, he or she is better off dead.

Zoe Wallace
April 16, 2023 2:45 pm
James Cameron Loathed His Own Movie Because of Stallone Making it 'Amoral'
The movie did not turn out as Cameron wanted it to and all because of Sly.

Zoe Wallace
April 16, 2023 2:30 pm
Christina Ricci Was Almost Sued Because Of An Intimate Scene
The actress opened up about her uncomfortable experience while filming sex scenes.

Dean Black
April 16, 2023 2:15 pm
All This Time, We Were Completely Wrong About True Purpose of Hogwarts Houses
We all thought that by this point, we'd learned and understood everything when it comes to Hogwarts and its four Houses — but apparently, we were misled.

Álvaro Villanueva
April 16, 2023 12:45 pm
Harry Potter Has a Dirty Little Secret (Literally)
Neither J.K. Rowling, nor the movies shed light on a certain aspect of Hogwarts life.

Dean Black
April 16, 2023 12:00 pm
We Love Mads Mikkelsen, But It's Time For Real Grindelwald's Comeback
Let's be real here for a second: Mads Mikkelsen performed beautifully as Grindelwald, but the entire Depp-removal situation still stinks horribly.

Rachel Bailey
April 16, 2023 11:45 am
What Happened To Matilda? How Mara Wilson's Life Turned Out After The Iconic Role
When you become famous at a young age, everyone expects you to keep winning the pedestal, but is it that easy?