10 TBBT Sheldon Moments To Prove He's The Most Relatable Character On TV

There’s a little bit of Sheldon in all of us.
If there's one thing The Big Bang Theory has taught us all, it's that we shouldn't dismiss the people who are different from the rest. Whether they wear too-tight pants, can't talk to you, or don't really take social cues, you'll never know how much you have in common until you make the effort to get to know them.
Of course, Sheldon Cooper wasn't the nicest of all characters, but you have to admit: he was relatable. Whether you share similar interests and obsessions or simply respect his outlook on life, there are a few things that constantly remind us of how Sheldon-y we all can feel at times.
And if you're struggling to find common ground with a slightly spoiled and extremely self-centered scientist, here are the top 10 moments that prove The Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper is, in fact, one of us.
Crazy Siblings
Of course, we don't all have siblings as different and crazy as Missy and Georgie Cooper, but anyone who has ever had a brother or sister can relate to Sheldon's awkward relationship with them. At the very least, he's trying his best to put an end to the bickering and to rekindle whatever family-like bond they had.
Hoarding Issue
Each of us has our own Fortress of Shame, the only difference being the size. Some store their stuff in a garage, while others just need a box for all those special memories. Whatever the reason, it's hard to let go of things that have come into our lives, so many people prefer to hold on to them, and Sheldon is no exception.
A Sore Loser
Who doesn't like a little challenge? Well, some might say that Sheldon takes it a little too seriously and can't stand the humiliation of losing. Whether it is an online game or a more serious competition, he has to win or everyone around him will suffer the consequences of the never-ending whining.
Relying on Alcohol
It's not the healthiest way to relax, but it certainly works for Sheldon, and it certainly works for the majority of The Big Bang Theory viewers. The only thing that needs to be repeated over and over again is this: be responsible. After all, the main point is not to get harmed, or to harm anyone else while under the influence.
Can’t Take Change Well
As we saw in the last episode of the show, Sheldon just doesn't handle change well. In a fast-paced environment where anything and everything can change in a matter of hours, it's hard to calm down and ground yourself, and Sheldon Cooper struggles with that just like the rest of us. But with a little help from loved ones, things get better.
Fear of Germs
While this may have seemed a little odd when The Big Bang Theory episodes aired, it is now, in a post-COVID reality, the trait we all share. Of course, not many of us are as obsessive and cautious, but at least Sheldon's fear of germs can now be universally recognized and accepted.
The Biggest Fangirl
You and Sheldon Cooper may have very different idols, but a lot of people would drop everything to meet them. Sheldon's dedication to meeting Stephen Hawking and getting his review of his paper was a pretty big deal for his character development. So was his graceful fainting in front of him.
Can’t Lie
We wouldn't count this as a bad quality, since honesty is the best policy in most cases, but Sheldon can just be too blunt. If you're like that and can't bring yourself to hide your true feelings and sugarcoat things or tell the smallest white lie known to the universe, you and Sheldon are definitely more alike than you thought.
Songs Stuck In His Head
Have you ever had a moment when you just cannot get that song out of your head, no matter how hard you try? Well, Sheldon does too. He has a special connection to music, thanks to the backstory in Young Sheldon, so it's not surprising that he pays a lot of attention to his tunes. Which makes the moment when he fails to recognize something ten times more annoying.
Breakup Blues
We've all been there. Although it was surprising to see Sheldon care so deeply about something, it just goes to show that underneath all the layers of irony and scientific fact, there is a gentle and vulnerable soul who suffers from rejection just like the rest of us. Good thing Sheldon had enough people around him to help him work through his grief.