15 Best Rom-Coms on Netflix to Stream in January 2024

From laughing till your sides hurt over quirky meet-cutes to getting that warm, fuzzy feeling as the credits roll, these 15 rom-coms are a reminder of the magic of movies, serving up just the right blend of romance and comedy to start the new year off right.
January 2024 is rolling in with a cozy blanket and a steaming cup of hot chocolate in the form of the 15 best rom-coms currently on Netflix, a collection that spans from those cult classics we've all seen a dozen times and can quote by heart, to the freshest romantic flicks that have just landed on our screens.
This lineup is like a buffet of feel-good, heart-fluttering cinematic treats, each one offering a different flavor of love and laughter, whether it's through time-tested narratives that remind us why we fell in love with them in the first place or through new stories that bring a fresh twist to the age-old tales of romance.
They're the kind of movies that are perfect for those nights when all you want is to kick back and lose yourself in a world where love conquers all, where the mix-ups are as funny as they are heartwarming, and where you can always count on a happy ending.