5 Best Non-Speaking TV Characters, Ranked from Wow to They-Are-the-Hero

5 Best Non-Speaking TV Characters, Ranked from Wow to They-Are-the-Hero
Image credit: Legion-Media/Pixar Animation Studios

Dialogue is important, but some characters are so charismatic that we love them regardless.

Here are five silent characters on television who have captured our hearts and left us speechless.

5. Grogu (The Mandalorian )

Grogu, aka Baby Yoda, doesn’t need to form complete sentences to be adorable. He is an expert user of the Force, is always ready to help Din Djarin, and shows care and compassion in other ways. Grogu may not speak yet (a few words here and there do not count), but he is already one of the best characters in the Star Wars universe.


WALL·E does say a few words throughout the movie, but he is mostly silent – and that’s a charming homage to old silent films. WALL·E’s story is so beautifully told that you don’t even notice that he doesn’t talk that much. The whole movie is a tearjerker, and WALL·E is just an incredibly wholesome character.

5 Best Non-Speaking TV Characters, Ranked from Wow to They-Are-the-Hero - image 1

3. Mr. Bean (Mr. Bean)

Mr. Bean can speak, though it is a rare occurrence. His best scenes are certainly the silent ones where the only thing he has at his disposal is his face. We bet that Mr. Bean’s visually expressive comedy has made you laugh at least once! Rowan Atkinson, who plays Mr. Bean, is an underrated legend.

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2. Tom and Jerry (Tom and Jerry)

Tom and Jerry have been around since the 1940s, and their on-screen rivalry is still compelling to watch. Both characters have only uttered a handful of words over the decades, but that hasn’t stopped them from becoming people’s favorites for years to come.

Tom and Jerry sure know how to tell a good story even when no one is talking the whole time.

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1. Thing (Wednesday & The Addams Family)

Everyone wants a Thing in their household, but only the Addams have one. Despite being just a hand, Thing is a complex character who can express himself through finger movements, interact with others, and even make us sympathize with him. Wednesday has so far managed to recreate this iconic character in all his glory.

Imagine if any of these characters started talking on a regular basis. They would have lost all their charm!

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