TV Grey's Anatomy

5 Times Grey's Anatomy Made You Want to Pull Your Hair Out

5 Times Grey's Anatomy Made You Want to Pull Your Hair Out
Image credit: ABC

Fans can never fully know what to expect when sitting down to watch an episode of everyone's favorite medical drama.

Grey's Anatomy is truly a twisting, unpredictable road full of emotions for fans, but one of the least talked about emotions is pure frustration.

Out of all the antagonizing moments on the show to date, these still top them all;

1. Derek's Death

The worst part about Derek's death was the suddenness of it all, and to make things worse, the nearest hospital was ill equipped to treat him following his car accident. Meredith rushes to see him, only to find out he is braindead, to which her response is to pull the plug on him and let him go.

As much as it seemed to be a loving gesture, it was completely selfish. She never once thought to give his family or friends a chance to say goodbye to him before taking him off life support.

2. Arizona Cheating

After being involved in season 8's plane crash, Arizona developed an infection in her leg. Her wife Callie made the call to cut off her leg to save her life. Following the amputation, Arizona became depressed and bitter towards life and Callie. As dark and frustrating as the situation was, fans tried to empathize with her, but what she did next pushed them over the edge. Arizona ends up cheating on Callie with another doctor and again tries to blame Callie.

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3. Ghost Sex (Yep, We're Never Letting That One Go)

Izzie and Denny's reunion would have been sweet and heartwarming if not for the fact that her handsome lover had been dead for a few seasons. Izzie sees and interacts with her hallucinations of Denny for most of the 5th season, eventually having sex with what fans referred to as "Ghost Denny." Fans found it freaky, and weird and it had some wanting to change channels until it was over.

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4. Alex's Exit

Everything about Alex's departure from the show drives fans crazy. One of their favorite characters abandoned everyone he loved, including Meredith and his wife Jo, to rekindle his relationship with ex-wife Izzie. Why did he do this?

5 Times Grey's Anatomy Made You Want to Pull Your Hair Out - image 1

Well, she had been raising their twin children that she conceived through frozen embryos. So Alex let everyone know via personal letters, and off he went to play instant family with Izzie.

5. Grey's Musical

Being a show with over 400 episodes, there are bound to be some episodes that completely miss the mark. The "musical episode" starts with Arizona and Callie in the immediate aftermath of a car accident, and the rest is Callie comatose and imagining everyone in the hospital not speaking, but singing. Many fans found it cringe-worthy, slightly annoying, and just not a fit for a show fueled by death and drama. This episode coming to an end was met with relief, and fans were truly grateful it was a one-time occurrence, or they may have actually lost their minds.