7 Grey's Anatomy Characters Fans Despise, Ranked by Uselessness

While "Grey's Anatomy" is still considered one of the best melodramas on television, fans couldn't help but notice that the writing of the show deteriorated after Shonda Rhimes left the show, resulting in many characters losing their original appeal.
Due to the massive cast and extreme length, the show struggles to make all of its heroes useful, prompting us to create a list of 7 utterly pointless and hated "Grey's Anatomy" characters.
We bet it took you a long time to even remember some of the people on this list, as they managed to fly under the radar for the longest time in the worst sense of the word.
In other shows, characters like this would have been kicked off the show a few episodes after they were introduced, but ABC's producers decided to keep them around for some inexplicable reason, making watching the show a rather boring experience for fans.
In order for "Grey's Anatomy" to survive, the writers should come to their senses and make the new characters feel unique and useful, give them interesting backstories and storylines, because the fans will certainly stop watching the show if the majority of the supporting characters are so boring and uninspired to follow.