Chris Evans' Mom Had The Best Reaction to This Avengers: Endgame Scene

Some mothers cry, some scream, some do both in an uncannily precise impersonation of an air raid siren.
While there's no word on whether Chris Evans ' mother Lisa is a screamer, we know she's a crier. The most recent event that caused her to shed tears was last week's announcement her son was named Sexiest Man Alive by People magazine.
You see, some moms are just built differently. Their heart swells with pride and once the heart reaches maximum capacity, there's nowhere else to go but up and out through the tear ducts. Okay, that might not be entirely accurate anatomically speaking, but it's fairly close.
Lisa told a local Boston station that Chris is "always amazed at his own success." We agree with mom that he deserves all the accolades he receives. It's also incredibly refreshing to see an uber-celeb being uber-humble.
Lisa might have also inadvertently discovered what keeps her son's feet on the ground by saying his friends tease him unrelentingly. Friends, true friends, are always there ensuring you don't start believing your own hype.
What better person could have been cast to play Marvel superhero Captain America than Chris Evans? He embodies the belief that we should treat others as we wish to be treated and the idea that we should lend a helping hand whenever possible.
It's clear that Evans comes from hearty New England stock, what is often referred to as "salt of the earth." He's your "every man." Evans' Captain America is wholesome and inviting, while still intimidating.
It was this softer, wholesome, sentimental side the writers tapped into for the final scenes of Avengers: Endgame. After returning the Infinity Stones to their rightful places, he elected to stay in the past and spend whatever time he had left with his one true love, Peggy Carter.
It was around this point in the movie when Chris' mom Lisa totally lost it. Makeup artists performed their magic to make Evans' character appear older. The look was so convincing and realistic, jaws dropped— as did Lisa's tears.
The tears weren't because her son's makeup made him look older. They were because of who the makeup made him look like. Chris was a virtual carbon copy of his late grandpa, Lisa's father. What a completely unintentional but incredibly beautiful gift!
After leaving the MCU in 2019, Chris continues his career by expanding his acting range, by playing both cunning murderers (Knives Out ), and heroic Mossad agents (The Red Sea Diving Resort), as well as voicing animated movies (Lightyear ). Chris is no longer your typical superhero.