TV Lisa Kudrow

Cringiest Seduction Scenes in Friends, Ranked By Fans

Cringiest Seduction Scenes in Friends, Ranked By Fans
Image credit: Legion-Media

Nothing is better than re-watching the scenes in a beloved show that make you laugh so hard.

Every fan of Friends has their own favorite scenes from the show that live rent-free in their minds.

Mostly, they're funny scenes that make you laugh so hard every time you watch them. And one of the most popular ones are the seduction scenes.

In fact, there are many of them in the show, but the fans decided on three of them that are at the same time the most cringeworthy, but still easily the best.

3. The Sick Monica Seduction

Movica was sent home from work because her boss saw that she was not feeling well. But could our little Harmonica just accept it?

Of course not. She claimed that being sick was for wimps and that she was perfectly fine. And what's the best way to prove her right? Well, you know where this is going.

The sick seduction didn't work so well on Chandler, but then Monica tricked him like a little baby playing really hard to get because of her condition. And this tactic didn't fail her this time.

2. Rachel And Josh…ua

Well, let's admit that season 4 episode 16 is the one where we feel most uncomfortable with the things Rachel does.

The episode is called The Fake Party, the one Rachel "throws" to say goodbye to Emily, but with the intention of inviting her crush, Joshua, to the event and finally trying to seduce him.

So she tries to impress Joshua with the cherry stem trick in her mouth, but fails and chokes on it. Then she puts on her 10-year-old cheerleader outfit and puts on a show that ends with her falling down and breaking a tooth.

The only good thing about all of these is the ending of the episode. Turns out all of these seduction tactics weren't even needed, as Joshua also liked Rachel… Oops.

1. Chandler, Phoebe and Phoebe's Bra

Well, this seduction scene in the episode "The One Where Everybody Finds Out" has already proven to be timeless. Lisa Kudrow 's performance simply blew fans away.

It was the time in the show when everyone but Ross knew that Monica and Chandler were a couple, and everyone was trying to get them to say it out loud.

And Phoebe was used as a tool to break Chandler. Surprisingly, Chandler handles Phoebe being effortlessly sexy with dignity.

But when they try to kiss, Chandler finally cracks and tells Phoebe that he can't have sex with her because he loves Monica.

Thus, the hilariously seductive scene of the show becomes one of the most romantic Chandler-Monica moments.