Friends' Messy Writing Made Ross and Monica Look Like Fools for 10 Seasons

Friends' Messy Writing Made Ross and Monica Look Like Fools for 10 Seasons
Image credit: NBC

Ross and Monica Geller are the most indecisive characters in Friends, and it’s not their fault: the writers just couldn’t remember what the siblings said a few episodes ago!

For what it’s worth, all lead characters in Friends contradict themselves all the time, and we’re kind of used to it. However, we can’t help but notice that the Geller siblings had it the worst: they’re literally the most indecisive family ever, and they just can’t make up their minds about anything across all ten seasons! We’ll prove it to you.

Ross can’t seem to remember his own birthday: on three separate occasions, he claimed that he was born in March (S1), December (S4), or October (S9). At the same time, this man was claiming he was 29 years old for three seasons straight (from S3 to S5), so perhaps, he was born three times in different years and months?

But actually, the entire Geller family may as well be magical when it comes to their ages: Monica, too, somehow managed to age way slower than she should have. Considering Monica was 26 in S1, she should’ve been 33 in S7 — but instead, she only turned 30 years old then.

Ross also wasn’t quite there when it came to his sex partners: in S1, he admitted his first time was with his first wife Carol, and guess what? In S7, he agreed with Chandler when the latter claimed that Ross had had a fling with a girl in college. Some flashbacks also revealed that Ross had had other women before Carol.

Friends' Messy Writing Made Ross and Monica Look Like Fools for 10 Seasons - image 1

Monica couldn’t remember whether her friends knew each other: in S1, she introduced Rachel to Chandler as if they weren’t acquainted, but in the other seasons, there were numerous flashbacks that saw the two of them together.

There are many more instances like these throughout the show: Monica can’t decide whether she believes in soulmates or not or whether she loves arcade games or not; Ross claims that he likes ice cream and then tells everyone that he hates it; and so on. The contradictions are endless when it comes to Monica and Ross Geller!

Perhaps, there’s a multiverse involved, and all these things are true about the various versions of Ross and Monica who were all born in different years and months?..

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