Friends: Most Loved & Most Hated Episodes In The Iconic Sitcom's History

Friends: Most Loved & Most Hated Episodes In The Iconic Sitcom's History
Image credit: NBC

Thirty years after Friends’ premiere, fans haven’t changed their minds about the show’s best and worst episodes.


  • Three decades after its premiere, Friends still remains one of the world’s most popular sitcoms.
  • The show’s highest-rated episode is The One Where Everybody Finds Out, in which Chandler and Monica’s love stops being a secret.
  • The lowest-rated episode of Friends is The One with the Invitation, in which Ross contemplates whether to invite Rachel to his and Emily’s wedding.

Despite being almost three decades old (with its 30th anniversary on September 22 fast approaching), Friends remains one of the most universally loved sitcoms in the world. Millions of fans rewatch it on a regular basis and introduce Friends to their missing-out buddies, making it a particularly successful project in TV show history.

Even thirty years, however, haven’t changed fans’ attitude much as shown by Friends’ most loved and most hated series, according to IMDb.

Friends’ Highest-Rated Episode: The One Where Everybody Finds Out

Season 5 Episode 14, IMDb Score 9.7/10

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Even though Monica and Chandler’s night of passion in London was initially supposed to be a one-off thing, Friends fans immediately loved this couple, leading to them becoming an endgame and the show’s staple on par with Ross and Rachel. Monica and Chandler’s relationship quickly overshadowed all other storylines.

It only makes sense that the highest-rated Friends episode would be the one about this power couple — or, rather, The One Where Everybody Finds Out. Having kept their love secret for what seemed like ages, Monica and Chandler were eventually confronted by Rachel and Phoebe who demanded they reveal their relationship.

This episode’s popularity is largely thanks to the hilarious sequence of Phoebe trying to seduce Chandler into admitting his love for Monica which had fans rolling on the floor.

Friends’ Lowest-Rated Episode: The One With The Invitation

Season 4 Episode 21, IMDb Score 6.9/10

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On the other hand, no other Friends couple has ever been as hated as Ross and Emily. The young English woman’s romance with Ross was full of spontaneous decisions, but she was genuinely in love with her soon-to-be husband — and yes, we’ll say it again: Emily never deserved all the hate she’s been getting from fans.

But since most fans and their family dogs have always been rooting for Ross and Rachel, Emily was universally despised by the audience. That’s why the lowest-rated episode of Friends, The One with the Invitation, revolves around her and Ross’s preparations for their wedding as Ross contemplates whether to invite Rachel or not.

For fans, the entire sequence with Ross and Emily setting up their wedding felt like nails to the coffin of their much-preferred storyline with Rachel… Despite Ross’s history with weddings.

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