Friends Scene That Wouldn't Be Possible To Recreate Today For a Horrible Reason

Hopping on and off the planes wouldn't be so easy today.
There is a certain sense of nostalgia that keeps people coming back to '90s sitcoms.
Of course, they are simply good: the characters, the writing, the settings – comedies like Friends are timeless simply because they speak to young adults of every generation.
But for those who lived through the '90s, they're just another way to remember the good old days.
In many cases, much simpler times. So much simpler, in fact, that if the show were to get a modern reboot almost thirty years later, some of the scenes from Friends couldn't happen. And no, this has nothing to do with ethics.
One scene with Rachel in particular would not be believable if it were ever reshot today.
After Emily doesn't show up at the airport, Ross suggests that Rachel take her ticket. She does so and boards the plane to Athens without any problems as if there weren't any names or IDs to check before boarding.
With the excessive security measures at every airport today, it's hard to believe that there were times when flying was this easy. But there were.
Contrary to what many fans believe, today Rachel would either have to stay behind or pay the airline to change the information on her ticket to match her identity.
These measures came about as a result of 9/11, when all American flights, both domestic and international, underwent major security changes.
The comedy of the moment, of course, is that Emily shows up just as Rachel is leaving the gate, and Ross decides to stay with her. In 2023, considering the consequences of the pandemic as well, the same situation could only be imagined if the plane was changed to the bus.
However, it's unlikely they'd find the bus cool enough to cross the ocean to Greece anyway.
If you want to re-watch Friends and enjoy the simplicity of the earlier days, you can stream the show on Netflix or MAX.