House of the Dragon: Will Rhaena Claim Sheepstealer & Did She Do It in the Book?

In the second part of Season 2 of House of the Dragon, events are gaining momentum, but leave us with some questions. And one of them has to do with Rhaena.
Rhaena Targaryen is Daemon's biological daughter by Laena Velaryon. Unlike her older sister Baela, who flies the dragon Moondancer and acts as a scout for the Blacks, Rhaena never got a dragon: no one hatched from the egg that belonged to her. In addition, Rhaena has a character that is not suited for a rider – unlike her sister, she is modest and quiet.
Did the Girl Have a Dragon in the Book?
In George R. R. Martin's book Fire & Blood, Rhaena did have a dragon, but it turned out to be sick and soon died. However, the girl was given a dragon a second time – just before the civil war that engulfed Westeros, she was given one of the eggs laid by Syrax, and a baby with pale pink scales hatched.
Rhaena named the dragon Morning. Moreover, in the novel, Morning was the only Targaryen dragon to survive the Dance of the Dragons – simply because she did not take part in the war, being only a baby.
In HoTD Season 3, Rhaena May Take Nettles Place
In House of the Dragon, Rhaena attempts to ride dragons, but to no avail. This does not mean that she will not one day fulfill her dream of taming a dragon – if she meets the right one.
Rhaena goes to the Eyrie on a diplomatic mission – to convince Lady Jeyne Arryn to side with Rhaenyra and the Blacks. Lady Arryn agrees, but demands one of the dragons for protection.
Later, while walking with her half-brother Joffrey, Rhaena stumbles upon scorched earth and the remains of several sheep. Rhaena is shocked: a dragon lives in the Vale. When Rhaena accuses Lady Arryn of deceit, she explains that the dragon belongs to no one and is wild.
In the book, the dragon in question is a beast with the telling nickname Sheepstealer and it is tamed by the bastard girl Nettles. It is possible that in the series, Nettle's storyline will be passed on to Rhaena, who will become Sheepstealer's rider.
This theory is supported by the fact that Nettles has not appeared in Season 2, unlike the other bastards – Ulf the White, Addam of Hull and Hugh the Hammer. Moreover, Rhaena confronted the wild dragon in the finale of Season 2, so there's every reason to assume that despite her previous failed attempts, she'll be able to mount the scary beast this time around.