Is Aemond Targaryen the Game of Thrones' Night King?

Internet fandoms are nothing if not prolific with theories. Some of these theories are insightful and correctly predict the plans of writers, some are funny, and some are plain crazy.
Today we're going to discuss a theory which is somewhere between "funny" and "crazy", but which nonetheless gained some traction in the fandom of House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones. The theory claiming, that Aemond Targaryen from House of the Dragon later becomes the Night King from Game of Thrones.
Okay, this theory is primarily funny because it is just so crazy. Not only these two characters have nothing in common besides being antagonists (and that only if you consider the Black party in House of the Dragon to be the protagonists, and the Green party, to which Aemond belonged, to be, accordingly, the antagonists) and riding dragons at some point of their respective careers.
Not only the Night King has both of his eyes in place, unlike Aemond, who lost his left one. Not only there is no ambiguity at all about Aemond's final fate in the book on which House of the Dragon is based.
Given that we're talking about George Martin 's world, it probably would be no spoiler to say that Aemond died a violent death, but not only that, his body was recovered after the battle in which he perished, fairly clearly identified through his opponent's sword lodged in the corpse's head, and then presumably buried or burned.
Not only there is no explanation as to why or how Aemond would join the ranks of the Others, given that even had he survived his final battle through some exceedingly contrived set of circumstances, like managing to stab his opponent with the latter's own blade, he would have no conceivable reason to travel past the Wall, which kept the Others locked out of the land of men in his time.
No, those are relatively minor problems with this theory. Or at least they are minor in comparison with its main problem. The main problem is, Game of Thrones had shown us on screen how the Night King came to be, and that happened, like, ten thousand years before Aemond Targaryen was even born! Truly, some theory-crafters have more imagination than common sense.