Here's a List of 8 Characters Rumored to Appear in the MCU's 'Secret Invasion'
Here's a List of 8 Characters Rumored to Appear in the MCU's 'Secret Invasion'
'Secret Invasion' TV series is a part of Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, set to tell a story of how the Skrulls infiltrated the Earth.
Internet Crush of the Day
Olivia Cooke From: House of the Dragon
Are we excited for season 3 already?
Hot (59%) Not (41%)
Did Tom Cruise Really Swap Twenty One Pilots for Lady Gaga in 'Top Gun: Maverick' Soundtrack?
Did Tom Cruise Really Swap Twenty One Pilots for Lady Gaga in 'Top Gun: Maverick' Soundtrack?
So you're telling us we could have had the new 'Heathens', but got the new 'Shallow' instead?..
Why 'Moon Knight' Writer Thinks He Should "Steer Clear From" Fantastic Four
Why 'Moon Knight' Writer Thinks He Should "Steer Clear From" Fantastic Four
Jeremy Slater just did the best job writing for the megahit Disney + series 'Moon Knight', but the writer himself still doesn't think he could write the script for the upcoming 'Fantastic Four' movie, even if Marvel Studios asked him to.
Fans Are Disappointed With Appearance Of This 'Justice League' Actor In The CW's 'Naomi'
Fans Are Disappointed With Appearance Of This 'Justice League' Actor In The CW's 'Naomi'
The actor behind one of the greatest DCEU villains appeared on The CW's 'Naomi' series finale only to be mocked by fans for his less than regal appearance.
'Ms. Marvel' Co-creator Explains Why Kamala Khan's Powers are Different in the Show
'Ms. Marvel' Co-creator Explains Why Kamala Khan's Powers are Different in the Show
In comics, Ms. Marvel is capable of extending her body and shape-shifting, but it seems that the upcoming TV show is going to change that a bit – to great discontent of some fans.
Fans Ask Why People Defend Wanda, If They Have Already Condemned This MCU Villain
Fans Ask Why People Defend Wanda, If They Have Already Condemned This MCU Villain
In 'Doctor Strange 2', Scarlet Witch went from being the hero to the main villain, and this creative decision did not please many MCU fans.
'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' TV Series: Here's What We Know So Far
'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' TV Series: Here's What We Know So Far
Pack your things, we need to set off to Camp Half-Blood. Oh, and get some drachmas. 
Colin Firth's Performance in 'The Staircase' Seriously Creeped Out His Co-Stars
Colin Firth's Performance in 'The Staircase' Seriously Creeped Out His Co-Stars
Colin Firth is widely regarded as one of the most talented actors working in film industry today, but it looks like his recent performance in the HBO Max's miniseries will surprise even his most loyal fans.  
Fans List Their Top Phase Four Marvel Projects, And Guess Which One is Everyone's Favourite
Fans List Their Top Phase Four Marvel Projects, And Guess Which One is Everyone's Favourite
Looks like Marvel fans are really into standalone stories sometimes.
Major 'Moon Knight' Fan Theory Just Confirmed By Series Writer
Major 'Moon Knight' Fan Theory Just Confirmed By Series Writer
The latest Disney + MCU series is rife with mysteries for fans to solve, but none as surprising as the early reveal of Jake Lockley's presence… in the very first episode.