The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare Star Joins the Long List of MCU Deniers

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare Star Joins the Long List of MCU Deniers
Image credit: Prime Video, Lionsgate

And the reason for it isn’t that different.


  • Many prominent actors have already voiced their reluctance to ever join the MCU.
  • Alan Ritchson, famous for his roles in crime show Reacher and Guy Ritchie ’s The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare, has recently revealed that he’s not enthusiastic about appearing in Marvel’s movies for particular reasons.
  • However, the actor previously stated that he would love to portray an iconic character from the DCU.

Marvel Studios is surely going through a really tough time right now — with all the actors that ever were a part of the MCU criticizing the hand that fed them for lack of artistic diversity, the cinematic giant also has to deal with all the backlash coming outside of its inner circle.

After a bunch of proclaimed actors made it clear about their position against ever being in Marvel movies, the long list of the MCU’s fiercest opponents got enriched by one more actor starring in Guy Ritchie’s brand new film.

Before joining Ritchie’s The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare with Henry Cavill in the leading role, Alan Ritchson got a big moment of fame after making an appearance in a crime television show Reacher.

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare Star Joins the Long List of MCU Deniers - image 1

For those who got to see any of Ritchson’s movies or series, it happens to be quite evident that the actor is more than a perfect fit for a superhero movie. On top of that, he even got to portray some of DC’s characters like Aquaman and Hawk in TV shows Smallville and Titans respectively.

Surprisingly, the previous work on comic-based series didn’t inspire the actor for more superhero roles — quite the opposite, Ritchson seems to be solid in his principle to never join the MCU for several reasons.

Thus, Ritchson has recently revealed that watching most of Marvel’s movies brings him a strong deja-vu feeling of seeing absolutely the same in the famous comics a thousand times. Like his colleagues before, the actor also couldn’t help mentioning the MCU’s artistic crisis saying that the studio derives its movies exclusively from the already existing comic books and is not really able to come up with something new and innovative.

Ritchson then specified that he would rather “be a solution” and create “new, compelling stories”.

Ritchson’s revelations come in a contrast with his previous confessions made in another interview earlier this month. The actor shared his thoughts about the rumors naming him a potential candidate for another reboot of Batman ’s story — and in this case Ritchson admitted that he would absolutely love to become the new Dark Knight.

Given all this, it almost seems like the tables are about to turn, and Marvel might want to get ready to make way for DC.

Source: GQ

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