The Most Romantic Aragorn Scene Never Made It Into LoTR

The romance between Aragorn and Arwen was a real fan-favourite in both the movies and books.
Their love was a positive force throughout all of the brutal battles for the ring. Together, the pair overcame many obstacles and were truly devoted to one another.
Their marriage and romance were unique for many reasons. The most obvious reason is that Aragorn was a human and Arwen was an elf. This relationship wouldn't be a regular occurrence in Middle Earth at all.
Another way in which their relationship was unique is because they were actually distantly related. In fact, Aragorn was Arwen's nephew. At their meeting, however, Arwen had already seen more than fifty generations of his ancestors pass through Middle Earth. This brings about a different understanding as to why she chose to be mortal.
Arwen and Aragon's relationship was explored through all three LoTR films. The complexity of their partnership was depicted through their struggles to be together as an elf and a human. Their love story was explored in glimpses; their past was never shown in great detail.
One glimpse of their relationship in the past was actually filmed. It didn't, however, make the final cut – nor did it appear in any extended releases. In fact, Viggo Mortensen who played Aragorn didn't even get to see the scene after filming.
What happened in the scene that didn't make the cut?
According to Mortensen, there was a memory flashback scene that took place in a meadow full of flowers. In this romantic scene, Aragorn was depicted as being younger. He had different hair, was clean-shaven, and wore clothes that an elf would wear.
Viggo Mortensen said the scene showed the early days of courtship with Arwen. It was by all accounts, a beautifully romantic sequence. But, for whatever reason, it just wasn't a scene that the director Peter Jackson felt was needed for the plot.
"It was a scene from the book where they’re walking in this flowery meadow. It was a beautiful sequence but obviously it wasn’t needed for the movie. I’ve never seen it but I enjoyed shooting that scene. It’d be nice to see it actually, it’s not in the extended editions either," Mortensen revealed to NME.
Will the scene ever be released?
It's highly unlikely that this deleted scene will ever be released. After all, it didn't make it into the theatrical releases nor the extended releases of the films. Across the three movies, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King, there was a total of 125 minutes of additional footage. So, if the scene didn't make the cut for those extra two hours plus, it's unlikely we'll ever see it.