The One Thing Taylor Lautner Got Right About Twilight's Jacob & Renesmee

The One Thing Taylor Lautner Got Right About Twilight's Jacob & Renesmee
Image credit: Legion-Media

Jacob imprinting on Renesmee in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, weird or not? Taylor Lautner got something to say about it.

Taylor Lautner thinks Jacob imprinting on Renesmee is not nearly as creepy as everybody thinks and gives his idea of Jacob and Renesmee's future, which seems to correspond to the Twilight lore.

One of the most famous fictional love triangles between Twilight's Bella, Edward, and Jacob was closed off in one of the most disturbing ways possible. After Bella has a baby girl with Edward which kills her and makes Edward turn her into a vampire to save her life, Jacob wants to take revenge on the newborn baby but instead imprints on her. This scene of Jacob imprinting on Renesmee minutes after she is born was shocking for many fans.

Even after all these years, the general consensus is that it's weird and actually the worst part of the whole series.

However, to the author of The Twilight Saga, Stephenie Meyer, and the creators of the film series this seemed to be a fitting ending to the human-vampire-shape-shifter love triangle, the one satisfying both Team Edward and Team Jacob. Yes, Jacob lost Bella to Edward, but he gained something better – a life-long bond.

Besides, as one fan suggested on Reddit, "we wouldn't be talking about the book if there was nothing controversial in it."

Taylor Lautner, the actor playing Jacob, agreed with the creators of The Twilight Saga that imprinting on Renesmee was a happy ending for the shape-shifter. In an interview for Breaking Dawn Part 2 (via Collider), Lautner theorized that Jacob was "happy ever after with Renesmee." And though it is too disturbing for many fans, the actor's words actually find confirmation in the Twilight lore.

The books show that Renesmee grows up extremely close to Jacob, who finds it hard to get separated from her even for a day. He practically lives in the Cullen house. And though his first instinct is to protect Nessy and keep her happy, his interest is very likely to become romantic once the girl gets older, which will happen quite soon given the speed of her growth.

Jacob even gives Renesmee a hand-made bracelet that is the Quileute version of a promise ring.

Renesmee is also not addressing Jacob as an elder brother or uncle, she loves to go hunting with him and to spend time with him. Probably the most disturbing scene is when Edward jokingly calls Jacob his 'son' in the novels, and Jacob jokes about Edward being his 'father' in the movies. That and Alice's vision where she sees Jacob and Renesmee being in love serve as the main confirmation of Lautner's theory.

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