Think Dean Winchester Had it Bad? Meet Supernatural Characters Who've Suffered Far More

There's no doubt Dean suffered greatly throughout the 15 seasons of Supernatural.
He faced abuse from his father, losing loved ones, to literally being tortured in hell. Yet, if you think he had it the worst on the show, you may want to think again. Here are five other Supernatural characters who suffered even more than Dean in the end.
Bobby Singer
Dean and Sam's dad may have been distant and mentally abusive, but Bobby's father was a whole other level of cruel. As well as being an alcoholic, we learn that his father was physically abusive to Bobby and his mother during his childhood.
Bobby ultimately ended up killing his father to protect his mother. If that wasn't bad enough, Bobby would years later marry Karen. Only for her to get possessed by a demon, leaving him no choice but to kill her too.
Kevin Tran
Kevin started as just an ordinary student at an advanced placement high school. But then became one of the lucky few chosen to be a prophet for God. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out too well for him.
During his time as a prophet, he gets captured multiple times, tortured, watches his girlfriend and mother get murdered, starts to go crazy, and is then murdered himself. Even after death, Kevin still gets stuck as a ghost before finally getting sent to hell for eternity by God himself.
Adam Milligan
Although we are first introduced to Winchester's half-brother Adam after he has been killed and possessed by ghouls, he is later resurrected as his true self. After becoming the vessel to Michael, which is certainly no walk in the park, Adam remains trapped in his own body with Micheal until both are sent to Lucifer 's cage. Whereas, unlike Sam, he stays with Michael for over ten years. Even Dean later remarks, "poor bastard never caught a break".
Unlike many of the other angels, Cas has almost always pure intentions. Yet his fate, nevertheless, is full of turmoil and distress. While committedly helping the Winchester brothers, he is often put into difficult situations. Leading to, on multiple occasions, his death and resurrection, the loss of his abilities, the loss of his mind, and much trauma and heartbreak.
Ultimately, his final death is the saddest of all. He is dragged to The Empty after he experiences a true moment of happiness, while finally revealing his love for Dean.
Sam Winchester
For all the suffering Dean went through, did Sam not go through the same and more? Dean was always the budding hero, yet Sam was a reluctant one. Initially wanting only a normal life, he was forced into the hunting game. In doing so, he faced just as much misery as Dean did. Including time in hell, and is basically groomed to become Lucifer's vessel. The brothers may have faced things together, but Sam only did it because he felt he had to, not because he felt he needed to.