This Supernatural Star Is Actually a Major Key to NCIS Success Today

This Supernatural Star Is Actually a Major Key to NCIS Success Today
Image credit: The CW, CBS

And he may not even know about it.

While each actor has their own unique approach to the work they do and their own specific strengths, it's not uncommon for TV and movie stars to look to each other for inspiration. Even the most acclaimed stars sometimes need the help of their co-stars in times of need.

As a result, the most popular TV shows are often intertwined in more ways than viewers may realize. While you may think there is nothing connecting The CW's hit Supernatural and one of CBS' most successful franchises, NCIS, the stars of the show would beg to differ.

Is NCIS’ Tony DiNozzo Based on a Real Person?

Speaking of establishing his character at the very beginning of NCIS, Michael Weatherly had many people to thank for keeping up with his ever-changing mind. The clear vision of Agent DiNozzo didn't come to him right away. In fact, the actor had to spend some time switching between personas and drawing inspiration from his colleagues.

One of the unexpected names Weatherly dropped while describing the journey on the Off Duty: An NCIS Rewatch podcast was his Dark Angel co-star Jensen Ackles, who went on to become a major TV star after the success of The CW's Supernatural.

"He was so loose and free and I thought, 'Maybe I'll imitate him a little bit' and I'm such a bad mimic it doesn't matter, because no one will ever recognise that I'm doing Jensen Ackles," the actor said.

Though Ackles was one of his first inspirations for Tony DiNozzo, there were a number of actors he channeled to get that laid-back, witty demeanor for which his character was so beloved. From Cary Grant to Tom Hanks to Alec Baldwin, the search continued before Weatherly was confident he had found the right voice for DiNozzo.

This Supernatural Star Is Actually a Major Key to NCIS Success Today - image 1

His character was one of the main reasons the show attracted so many viewers. Charismatic, charming and highly efficient as an agent, Weatherly's Tony DiNozzo also had great chemistry with many of his co-stars, including Cote de Pablo and her character, Ziva David. Now, fans are getting ready to welcome the duo back.

If you are interested in seeing Tony and Ziva's adventures in Paris and their journey to reunite for the sake of their family, be sure to keep an eye out for updates on the upcoming NCIS: Tony & Ziva spinoff.

Source: Off Duty: An NCIS Rewatch

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