Twilight Threw Edward Under The Bus Just to Be Dramatic

Twilight turned Edward into hot mess for dumbest reason possible.
In fact, Edward Cullen could have been absolutely unbeatable... if it wasn't for his human love interest.
Twilight 's Edward is usually perceived as a "light version" of a vampire, even though Stephanie Meyer made it clear that he possessed superhuman power and speed, along with his own unique skill of reading everyone's minds.
One would think that this is a perfect set for being absolutely invincible — after all, the ability to read others' minds would grant Edward the chance to predict his rival's moves. However, in the movies, Edward constantly finds himself in trouble when he clashes in a fight with someone, be it the Volturis or Victoria.
According to fans, there is a pretty stupid reason for that.
"This is an artifact of the movies, largely for drama reasons. Edward's always either getting his ass kicked or being in jeopardy so Bella can either save him or plead on his behalf. It's really quite irritating," said Redditor Tacitus111.
Indeed, Edward is always conveniently in trouble for Bella to save him: in New Moon, she begs for the Volturi to spare him, and in Eclipse, Bella has to cut her arm in order to distract Riley and Victoria from Edward and give him a chance to free himself.
In the books, Edward is a lot more impressive when it comes to fighting, and doesn't really need Bella's help. However, it looks like the movies went for deliberately "weakening" him for the sake of Bella not being a useless prop, even though it really goes against all consistency rules.
Yes, we don't watch these movies for realism, but they could definitely have mercy to Edward — after all, the fact that he shines in the sun is already anticlimactic enough.