Up For More Twilight? Reddit Got a Perfect Sequel Idea Already

Isn't it time for sparkly vampires to return?
With the recent push for reviving good ol' franchises and returning to classics like Harry Potter and Superman, aren't we forgetting another iconic franchise?
Turns out that the Twilight saga has quickly evolved from a something cringeworthy back into everyone's favorite.
Not only are people doing Twilight marathons (it's a classic autumn move, don't judge), but also they actually want more content.
In fact, Reddit is already full of great sequel ideas. Among them is a pitch by Inevitable_Prize7056, who suggests that the sequel (or a spinoff) should in fact follow a totally unexpected character.
Aside from the main Twilight books, the series author Stephanie Meyer came up with a novel titled The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. It tells the story of a teenage vampire who was turned by Victoria during the events described in Eclipse — yes, the one that Jane ordered to murder.
The novel also followed another character, named Fred, who, too, was a newborn vampire created by Victoria. However, unlike Bree, who was executed by Volturi, he managed to survive after being turned.
"My guess is that he came back eventually looking for Bree or maybe the Cullens moved from Forks and went to Canada and since Fred last mentioned going to Canada to Bree, he comes across the "yellow-eyed" people there and maybe Edward reads his mind and is like "Oh THIS is the Fred I heard in Bree's mind," the fan suggested, pondering different storylines that could be used in a potential Twilight spinoff about Fred.
It would also be interesting to see how strong Fred grew to be, especially in comparison with iconic vampires like Edward or Jasper. Besides, is a Twilight spinoff even possible without some romance and drama?
According to the fan, Fred might enjoy romantic storylines with characters like Leah Clearwater (who is a werewolf, which is already something to imagine), or Renesmee Cullen, Edward and Bella's daughter (even though she is destined for Jacob Black).
It is not the only sequel idea for Twilight.
Among other storylines that can be explored in the universe is Edward's dark past: after all, he himself told Bella that he is not proud of who he was. Many fans have been calling for a prequel about Edward that would delve more into that.
However, as of now, no studio — including Lionsgate that developed the original movie saga — has not indicated any intention to make Twilight sequels or spinoffs. Who knows, maybe the only thing they need is a more intense call from fans?..