10 Films Where New York Survives an Alien Invasion (Again)
Louise Everitt
10 Films Where New York Survives an Alien Invasion (Again)
Let's face it, aliens just love NY.
15 Action Films with Plots So Convoluted, You'll Need an Actual Map
Louise Everitt
15 Action Films with Plots So Convoluted, You'll Need an Actual Map
These are the movies that made our brains hurt. Repeatedly.
5 Most Mind-Blowing Time Travel Movies, Ranked
Mathias Noris
5 Most Mind-Blowing Time Travel Movies, Ranked
These sci-fi stories each present a rather unique take on the time travel concept, along with some compelling storytelling.
Does Tom Cruise Have an Oscar?
Catherine Hunter
Does Tom Cruise Have an Oscar?
Tom Cruise has become somewhat of an action movie icon in the world of Hollywood. 
Twitter's 'Fantastic Four' Fancasting Is Challenging, but All Fans Agree On This One Thing
Dawn Coleman
Twitter's 'Fantastic Four' Fancasting Is Challenging, but All Fans Agree On This One Thing
With the reveal of John Krasinski's Mr. Fantastic in 'Doctor Strange 2', it looks like the MCU's 'Fantastic Four' is officially a thing.