Alex Nguyen

Alex is a seasoned entertainment journalist with a passion for exploring the cultural impact of film, TV, and music. With a focus on analyzing the intersection of entertainment and social issues, Alex enjoys delving into complex topics and engaging with readers about the latest trends and controversies in the industry.

Alex's love for pop culture began in their teenage years, when they discovered the works of filmmakers like Spike Lee and Ava DuVernay, whose groundbreaking films inspired them to pursue a career in journalism. Since then, Alex has written for various publications, including indie film blogs, music magazines, and cultural websites.

With a background in creative writing and a degree in journalism, Alex is excited to share their insights and opinions with our readers and hopes to spark meaningful conversations about the role of entertainment in shaping our society.

From Animation to Horror: The Surprising Connection Between Pixar's Cars and Stephen King's Dark Universe
Alex Nguyen
From Animation to Horror: The Surprising Connection Between Pixar's Cars and Stephen King's Dark Universe
One of the craziest theories you can find on Reddit.
Post Iron Man Era: Who Is The Most Powerful Avenger Since Phase 4?
Alex Nguyen
Post Iron Man Era: Who Is The Most Powerful Avenger Since Phase 4?
The battle with Thanos left many superheroes dead and the core team without a leader.
Best Game Of Thrones Heroes With The Most Useless Traits, According to Fans
Alex Nguyen
Best Game Of Thrones Heroes With The Most Useless Traits, According to Fans
Oddly enough, one of these characters managed to survive to the end of the series.
The Mind-Blowing Theory that Redefines Mission Impossible 2 As A Spy Tale
Alex Nguyen
The Mind-Blowing Theory that Redefines Mission Impossible 2 As A Spy Tale
The worst part of the Ethan Hunt action series takes a surprising twist. 
Black Mirror S6 Beyond the Sea: Crazy Theory Says David Was Innocent All Along
Alex Nguyen
Black Mirror S6 Beyond the Sea: Crazy Theory Says David Was Innocent All Along
The episode may not be as straightforward as it seems at first glance.   
The Ultimate Moment When The Harry Potter Movie Simply Surpassed Rowling's Books, According To Fans
Alex Nguyen
The Ultimate Moment When The Harry Potter Movie Simply Surpassed Rowling's Books, According To Fans
The most boring part of the movie franchise still managed to please audiences.
Reddit Picks 'Red Flag' Actors to Beware Of When Picking a Movie
Alex Nguyen
Reddit Picks 'Red Flag' Actors to Beware Of When Picking a Movie
Some of these actors' roles are not worth your time, Redditors claim.
3 Horror Franchises That Were So Bad They Turned Into Comedies 
Alex Nguyen
3 Horror Franchises That Were So Bad They Turned Into Comedies 
Get ready for something scary and hilarious.
From Joan is Awful to Twilight Zone Copy: Black Mirror S6 Episodes, Ranked by Fans
Alex Nguyen
From Joan is Awful to Twilight Zone Copy: Black Mirror S6 Episodes, Ranked by Fans
Each in its own way, the S6 episodes were disappointing.
Top 3 LotR Books Characters That Peter Jackson's Trilogy Really Missed, Ranked
Alex Nguyen
Top 3 LotR Books Characters That Peter Jackson's Trilogy Really Missed, Ranked
Fans still can't forgive the director for these shortcomings.