I’m no Aja, but I try.
Marvel, SPN, Star Trek and everything fandom-related in between. If it’s worth reading/watching/listening to – I’m on it (and telling you about it).
Very excited about MCU future, though still not over Endgame. Still waiting for ST4 (I'm actually pretty OK with JJ reboot, so).

Tatiana Santos
October 29, 2022 9:00 am
Tom Cruise's Salary for Top Gun: Maverick Will Probably Shock You
Considering that Top Gun: Maverick made 1.454 billion USD in the box office, that number is, indeed, unexpected to say the least.
Internet Crush of the Day

Tatiana Santos
October 29, 2022 7:56 am
Will Zack Snyder Return to the DCU Now That Henry Cavill is Back?
Appearance of Henry Cavill as Superman in the cameo at the end of Black Adam heralded his return to DCU.

Tatiana Santos
October 28, 2022 3:00 pm
Ant-Man 3 Blatantly Ignores Spider-Man: No Way Home Major Twist
For the MCU fans, the moment when everyone forgets Peter Parker at the end of Spider-Man: No Way Home under a memory spell has become one of the most heartbreaking moments in the franchise.

Tatiana Santos
October 28, 2022 8:00 am
Grey's Anatomy Cringiest Scene Fans Can't Help but Skip Every Time
As Grey's Anatomy has been running for quite some time, some cringy scenes are to be expected, without a doubt.

Tatiana Santos
October 28, 2022 7:30 am
The Lack of Stakes is Ensuring Rings of Power Won't Ever Be Good Enough
By now we can say with some confidence, that The Rings of Power fell far short of the expectations, and not only because the expectations were so enormous.

Tatiana Santos
October 28, 2022 6:30 am
Was House of the Dragon Too Slow or Disorientingly Fast After All?
The HBO TV show has left us split yet again.

Tatiana Santos
October 27, 2022 6:24 pm
House of the Dragon Biggest Clue is Hidden In Aemond's Missing Eye
Stay back, he's got a blue eye!

Tatiana Santos
October 27, 2022 6:03 pm
American Gods Backstage Drama That Ruined the Show For Good
A great adaptation if done right has all the potential to become a long-running beloved series fans will watch and discuss for years.

Tatiana Santos
October 27, 2022 4:30 pm
The Future Sucks in The Peripheral, but Luckily the Show Itself Doesn't
Well, the future sucking in The Peripheral is no surprise for anyone, who noticed that the show is based on a book by William Gibson, the man who earned his renown by pioneering the cyberpunk subgenre, notable for exploring the ways by which super-technologies can make our lives worse.

Tatiana Santos
October 27, 2022 6:30 am
The Rings of Power is a Prime Example of a Very Disturbing Trend
The finale of The Rings of Power Season 1 confirmed the prevalent fan theory of Halbrand, whose adventures with Galadriel we have watched for most of the season, being a form of Sauron, the big bad of the whole Middle-Earth's setting and the enemy whom Galadriel was trying to pursue for 8 episodes.