Zoe Wallace

Zoe Wallace is Startefacts' news writer and your average passionate movie buff. Name any classic – she's seen it. But Zoe's main passion is The Lord of the Rings, which she has seen more than fifty times. Why fifty? After that number, she just quit counting.

Her first tentative steps into entertainment journalism were taken many years ago – Zoe started her own little blog where she would post all the endless facts that were stored in her head. Although it is now abandoned and practically dead, it helped her get to where she is now.

Her guilty pleasure is reading negative reviews about movies everyone loves, like The Godfather or Titanic, and making arguments to prove that these people are wrong. So don't argue with Zoe about her favorite movies – she already won this fight in her head many times.

Zoe grew up watching The Vampire Diaries, and when there's an argument about who's better, Stefan or Damon, she just appears out of nowhere to say three main words – Stelena is forever.

Whatever Happened to Chronicles of Narnia's Child Actors After Franchise Ended?
Zoe Wallace
Whatever Happened to Chronicles of Narnia's Child Actors After Franchise Ended?
What have been the four stars up to?  
5 Cult Movies that Inspired Greta Gerwig to Make Barbie
Zoe Wallace
5 Cult Movies that Inspired Greta Gerwig to Make Barbie
There are movies on this list that you'd never expect to have anything to do with Barbie.
TBBT's Worst Rated Episode Couldn't Be Saved Even by Return of Beloved Character
Zoe Wallace
TBBT's Worst Rated Episode Couldn't Be Saved Even by Return of Beloved Character
The Big Bang Theory had 279 episodes, and one of the episodes of the 10th season was rated as the worst by the fans.  
Whatever Happened to Oppenheimer's Florence Pugh Character in Real Life? 
Zoe Wallace
Whatever Happened to Oppenheimer's Florence Pugh Character in Real Life? 
Did Oppenheimer's mistress commit suicide?  
Barbie Sparks Controversy: Is It Really Offensive to Men?
Zoe Wallace
Barbie Sparks Controversy: Is It Really Offensive to Men?
Barbie has not escaped criticism, and the main complaint is the portrayal of men in the movie.
Behind-the-Scenes Spider-Man Tragedy That Ruined Tobey Maguire's Career
Zoe Wallace
Behind-the-Scenes Spider-Man Tragedy That Ruined Tobey Maguire's Career
Tobey Maguire can rightfully be considered one of the biggest stars of the 1990s and early 2000s. He was best known for Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, but since then he's been a rare guest on the big and small screen.
5 Best Vampire Diaries Couples, Ranked from Aww to We Want This ASAP
Zoe Wallace
5 Best Vampire Diaries Couples, Ranked from Aww to We Want This ASAP
The Vampire Diaries is so much more than just Delena and Stelena.
4 Brilliant Actors Who Received Both Oscar and Golden Raspberry
Zoe Wallace
4 Brilliant Actors Who Received Both Oscar and Golden Raspberry
There is only one step from a brilliant role to a complete failure.
The Vampire Diaries Main Cast Paychecks Per Episode, Ranked
Zoe Wallace
The Vampire Diaries Main Cast Paychecks Per Episode, Ranked
These paychecks are insane.  
Based on True Crimes: 5 Best Biopics About Real Criminals
Zoe Wallace
Based on True Crimes: 5 Best Biopics About Real Criminals
These movies are a successful attempt to try to understand the intentions of the criminals.