3 Derek Moments That Should Have Been Such a Red Flag for Meredith on Grey's Anatomy

Sometimes fans wonder how on Earth these two even worked out.
Meredith and Derek from Grey's Anatomy were no picture perfect couple, which is probably why they were not each other's endgame. However, some fans believe the two should have broken up a lot sooner than they did, because seriously, how many red flags did Meredith need before she realized who her ex-husband was?
Here are the three of them that definitely do not make the entire list.
Moving On? Not So Fast
When Derek proceeded to immediately slam Meredith as a "wh*re" for moving on with Finn, fans really wanted to throw something at the screen. Seriously, not McDreamy himself taking an issue with Meredith for daring to move on when he himself just got back together with Addison!
Jealousy? So much for jealousy when he was the one to forgive Addison first.
Highlight of the Week
One of Derek's most "red flag" moments was when he met Lexie and immediately told Meredith, being as annoying as he could: "Should you be worried I met a woman? No. Should you be worried that meeting that woman was the highlight of my week? Yeah, you should be worried."
The only thing Meredith should have been worried about, fans say, was how to make sure that man would never see her again.
"You're Just Like Your Mom"
First of all, Derek's claim that Meredith is just like her mother simply does not hold water, as many fans have noted after that line. Secondly, Derek knew perfectly that his words were going to hit her where it will hurt, which was the biggest turnoff in their relationship for many people in the fandom.
In fact, McDreamy is probably the worst kind of nickname for someone like Derek — simply because he is far away from being a dream man, and his relationship with Meredith was absolutely toxic, as many fans believe today.