Here's Why Soldier Boy and Captain America Are Different, And We Still Love Them Both

So, you got detention… uh-oh, that's the wrong one again.
Soldier Boy has a shield, comes from the different time, and we have already been familiarized with his love for video messages, so yes, he is definitely the Captain America of 'The Boys '.
But he is also definitely not Captain America.
Jensen Ackles is set to portray a character that will provide us a look at the completely different character who has to take a path similar to that of Captain America. Just like Chris Evans ' character, Soldier Boy wakes up in the modern world after being frozen shortly after World War II.
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But if Steve Rogers goes on and tries to fit in the new reality, Soldier Boy might as well be up in arms against it. Where Captain America says "Language!", Soldier Boy will say that he is "the most uncool motherf**ker on the planet". And while Steve Rogers is trying to tell kids to behave themselves in video ads, Soldier Boy goes on and turns these ads into a twisted circus.
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Some people have an interesting view of the differences between Cap and Soldier Boy.
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The stark difference on the heels of the striking similarity between the two characters comes as Jensen Ackles notes to GQ that he has "known Chris Evans for a million years, back when he and I were fighting for the same roles". Interestingly, Ackles never auditioned for the role of Captain America, saying that he believed that role had not been filled via traditional process of auditioning but rather by approaching certain people.
And look how the tables have turned. Get ready to reconsider you opinion on Captain America's legacy on June 3, when 'The Boys' premieres on Prime Video.