One Thing About Heartstopper S2 Left Kit Connor 'Terrified'

One Thing About Heartstopper S2 Left Kit Connor 'Terrified'
Image credit: Netflix

Oh to be on a school trip to Paris with the love of your life...

Heartstopper season 2 has stuck to the graphic novel's storyline and took the viewers to a romantic trip to Paris with Joe Locke's Charlie and Kit Connor's Nick. The wholesome romantic adventure seems like exactly what all of us could ever need in line, but it turns out one thing about it left Kit Connor downright scared.

Ironically, he made it look so easy and effortless for his character that it's hard to believe he had any trouble with it. Remember when Nick amazed us all with his near-perfect French in season 2? Yeah, well, turns out it was a huge deal for Connor, who doesn't actually know how to speak French in real life.

“We had this French teacher who was really lovely, but also a little bit scary, I think because I was so bad at French. We focused on trying to make me sound like I knew how to speak French as much as possible," Connor recalled.

Still, he was absolutely terrified. In the show, Nick's father is French and lives in Paris; therefore, Nick had to actually be convincingly fluent.

Connor, however, was afraid that his not-so-perfect French would even offend French fans. It turns out that the script initially hailed his character's accent as "perfect"... which Connor felt was a stretch.

"Luckily, when I watched the show, I saw they changed that line to, ‘Your accent is very good.’ So that suddenly made me feel a lot better about my accent,” Connor admitted.

Well, according to fans, his fears were in vain: Nick speaking French was arguably one of the biggest highlights of Heartstopper season 2. Even though Connor's accent was not "perfect," his effort and genuine concern about French fans melted people's hearts.