RDJ's Tony Stark Returns in Secret Wars, Ruining the Whole Point of Endgame

Avengers fans left wondering why they even bothered to get emotionally invested in Endgame.
No line in the whole set of the MCU franchise would ever be as iconic as now-infamous "I am Iron Man," uttered by RDJ's Tony Stark right before he heroically sacrificed himself to destroy Infinity Gauntlet. However, the whole moment – arguably the most epic in the history of Marvel's franchise – would be somewhat ruined if – and that's a fairly big if – the newly surfaced rumors are true, and the actor really agreed to reprise his role in the upcoming Secret Wars ensemble movie.
This is exactly the case if MyTimeToShineHello is to be believed; "RDJ is back baby (for Secret Wars for sure, and there's been some talks for a cameo in Armor Wars )," their tweet reads.
Fans of the franchise are understandably disappointed and feel cheated by this decision, with many taking to social media to express their frustration.
"I can't believe they would just bring Tony Stark back like it was nothing," wrote one fan on Twitter. "All that build-up and emotional payoff in Endgame just for him to return after all? It feels like a slap in the face."
However, not all fans are upset by the news.
"I'm so excited to see Tony Stark back on the big screen!" gushed another fan on Instagram. "It's just a movie, people need to lighten up."
It's clear that this decision has polarised the fan base, with some feeling betrayed by the resurrection of a beloved character while others are thrilled to see more of RDJ's charming performance. It remains to be seen how Marvel will handle the backlash and whether or not the return of Tony Stark will live up to fans' expectations. To be fair, said return doesn't mean the resurrection per se; as Marvel comics proved successfully time and again, Tony Stark is as brilliant as an AI as he was in person. Then again, there's also a flashback or alternate universe version possible.
One thing is for sure – the ending of Avengers: Endgame will never be looked at the same way again, if Marvel really is going to go through with Tony Stark comeback. It's sure is going to be a disappointing turn of events for fans who were hoping for a more permanent resolution to the character's arc.
The wait will be excruciating enough; Secret Wars is set to premiere in another three and a half years, May 1, 2026.