Uh-Oh, Is The CW Cutting 'The Flash' Short?
Uh-Oh, Is The CW Cutting 'The Flash' Short?
Recently, Barry Allen's character has swept spotlight following the Ezra Miller drama and the online campaign to bring Grant Gustin to substitute him in DCEU. Well...
Was DC Really Planning To Make A Deadshot Movie With Will Smith?
Was DC Really Planning To Make A Deadshot Movie With Will Smith?
Looks like the rumors that Will Smith's Deadshot is getting ready to receive his own vehicle turned out to be true. But, actually, he's still not getting one.
3 Reasons Why Grant Gustin Could Make a Better DCEU Flash Than Ezra Miller
3 Reasons Why Grant Gustin Could Make a Better DCEU Flash Than Ezra Miller
Grant Gustin has been portraying Flash for the CW for eight seasons straight, and now, in light of the Ezra Miller drama, people think that it's time for him to move to the big screen – and to another universe.
Ezra Miller's Future in 'The Flash' is Questioned Amid His Recent Behavior
Ezra Miller's Future in 'The Flash' is Questioned Amid His Recent Behavior
Seems like public outbursts are no good for your career, and we had plenty of recent examples to prove it (and no, this is not another Will Smith news).
'The Flash' and 'Fantastic Beasts' star Ezra Miller arrested in Hawaii Karaoke Bar
'The Flash' and 'Fantastic Beasts' star Ezra Miller arrested in Hawaii Karaoke Bar
Hawaii County police department arrested and charged Ezra Miller with disorderly conduct and harassment following an incident in a karaoke bar in Honolulu, Hawaii on Sunday night.